
Well Known Member
I have been out here in SoCal for two weeks and have not even been up close to a General Aviation airplane.

Sunday that was taken care of! I contacted some local Chino pilots (Chino is where Dan Checkoway was, now since moved), and got hooked up with a five ship formation flight!

Thanks to the following:

Gary "Condor" Sobek (Lead)
Jim "JP" Percy (#2 & The one who allowed me to be a passenger)
Dave "Hog" Klages (#3)
Eddy Tohikian (#4)
Dave Richardson (#5)

This was my first close formation flight and I am very impressed with what these guys do. They obviously take the practice and skills required to do this very seriously!

JP let me borrow his camera and I took about a hundred pictures but I bet only 4 or 5 are usable. It is very hard to take pics with a digital camera and get the right angles required to get those in formation around you without getting the camera in the line of sight of the pilot and that would be a bad thing to do! If any turn out, I will post them here.

Great day and gave me a good RV fix for the rest of the week I am stuck out here!

Sorry Tom that we were not able to meet in person, thanks for suggesting Chino as a place to visit!

Thanks again to the guys from Chino for allowing me to participate! It is awesome that no matter where you go, you can find RV friends!