
Well Known Member
Hey guys, I have a houseful of Apple type electronics. I was told that Garmin updates just work easier on a non apple os computer. Has anyone had luck using a chromebook for updating SD cards? Or would i be better served with a microsoft laptop?

How do you update?

Garmin does not play well with Macs!
This problem even extends to the Garmin auto products. I almost went with Dynon instead of Garmin for this reason but ended up with the G3X touch. Great product but updates are always a frustrating adventure.

After upgrading to Catalina, I could no longer update my database. A call to Garmin and after 30 minutes of changing setting, permissions, it worked, or so I thought. One file never did update. Just tried again and the app comes to a standstill. Tried downloading the newest Garmin operating system for the G3X, it also came to a standstill. I will call Garmin again later today when I have time to waste.

To late to switch out of Garmin, may have to buy a cheap Windows (ugh, how do they work?) just to keep the plane up to date.

Scott A. Jordan
Newer or older Garmin units?

Brand new. I have dual G3x?s and a GTN650. Im curious if i can reliably use an iPad with a SD card adapter to update. Or, a chromebook with a SD card or a windows based laptop? If I need to buy a windows machine Id like to know soon with Black Friday in a few days.
I have zero issues updating all my garmin stuff using my mac. the instructions are well written and aren't complicated.

You can't do it from an iPhone/iPad. You need a full computer.
Hello Rob,

You can use a Macintosh computer to update databases for both the GTN 650 and G3X Touch displays. This will not be a problem.

We periodically update the operating software for both of these units, available on our EAB Software download page which can be found here:


For the G3X Touch system, we have software downloads for both Windows and Other Operating systems (.zip file).

The only thing you will not be able to do is create a software loader card for the GTN using your Macintosh machine. This can typically only be run on a Windows platform without extra tools. That being said the GTN software is only updated once or twice a year.

We have a group within Garmin that is available 7 days a week to assist with any issues updating your databases, or any pilot side questions in general. Their phone number is 1-866-739-5687.
