
Well Known Member
Hello VAF - I have a question. When a person changes from an Odyssey PC680 to an EarthX battery, there is a W&B change. Based on my reading, I'm thinking this is considered a minor change, (no need to contact FSDO)? I believe all one needs to do is update the plane's W&B and make a logbook entry. Maybe a person should put the plane back into phase 1 himself, do some flight testing for 5 hours? Or, am I overthinking this? Thank you for your input.
My operating limitations mentions a new phase 1 when there is a major change, including W&B. I put a light weight prop on the nose of my RV4 and lost 20 lbs (I did re-weigh the airplane). I discussed this with my local FSDO. He wasn’t sure if it constituted “major change” - my empty CG moved aft about .5” - but he recommended and authorized a 5 hour phase 1. Helps solve any possible insurance concerns as well. It doesn’t seem like yours would be a major change. It doesn’t seem like your CG would have moved much, and operationally it should be the same as before, with a possible new abnormal procedure to be aware of and followed (checklist item).
Tim, like Scott's FSDO inspector, I'm not sure there is any hard list of major vs minor.

Strictly opinion, but I'd call W&B minor, because in theory we should re-weigh (or simply recalculate based on old vs new component weight x arm) following every component addition or removal. I can't imagine FSDO folks want to answer approval letters for avionics changes. Consider all the ADS-B stuff added in the last three years.

Plus W&B is assumed to be within the capabilities of any qualified pilot.
Read your Operating Limitations. Most likely, it is a minor change, just a maintenance record entry and an updated weight and balance.

DAR Gary
Thank you

Scott, Dan, Gary - Thank you for the responses. I thought is was a minor (not major) change, too. I'm not the builder, still learning and wanted some assurance. And I also thought this thread might be informative to others with the same question.
Scott - I added the BMS "blinky light" fault codes to my POH, but didn't think about updating my checklists, thank you.
Dan - your comparison to W&B changes from avionics upgrade, being a minor change was good. I also found a VAF thread discussing painting the plane and how that W&B change was also not a major change. That thread was informative and related to this discussion.
Gary - I'm glad a DAR posted his opinion. Thank you. Yes, I did read my Op Limits; that is where I started. As, you suggested, I did a log book entry, and updated my W&B.
Thank you again for your responses, and Doug for hosting this site - you all have happy and safe holidays.