EarthX Lithium

Well Known Member
We have not been able to say anything......until now......but EarthX is thrilled to announce the use of our 24V certified batteries in the newly released G7 Cirrus aircraft. If you're interested, here is the big release video: (EarthX is around the 31minute mark)

This is just an FYI post. This has been years in the making!

Kathy Nicoson
[email protected]
We have not been able to say anything......until now......but EarthX is thrilled to announce the use of our 24V certified batteries in the newly released G7 Cirrus aircraft. If you're interested, here is the big release video: (EarthX is around the 31minute mark)

This is just an FYI post. This has been years in the making!

Kathy Nicoson
[email protected]
Congratulations, Kathy! I can imagine that it was a huge effort to make it happen, and you and your team should be very proud! Great work!
We have not been able to say anything......until now......but EarthX is thrilled to announce the use of our 24V certified batteries in the newly released G7 Cirrus aircraft. If you're interested, here is the big release video: (EarthX is around the 31minute mark)

This is just an FYI post. This has been years in the making!

Kathy Nicoson
[email protected]
Why am I not surprised? EarthX is a superior battery with a proven track record of performance and safety. Well done!!
BTW, mine's somewhere around the half-decade-old state and still going strong.
Congratulations, Kathy! I can imagine that it was a huge effort to make it happen, and you and your team should be very proud! Great work!
Thank you Mickey. This effort took many years and a ton of effort. Cirrus was very motivated to make this switch and it was a great joint effort to make the magic happen.
Why am I not surprised? EarthX is a superior battery with a proven track record of performance and safety. Well done!!
BTW, mine's somewhere around the half-decade-old state and still going strong.
Thank you Sid. We have lots of other very exciting news too but we must keep in under wraps for now.......the OEM's like to make their big splash first. :)
We have not been able to say anything......until now......but EarthX is thrilled to announce the use of our 24V certified batteries in the newly released G7 Cirrus aircraft. If you're interested, here is the big release video: (EarthX is around the 31minute mark)

This is just an FYI post. This has been years in the making!

Kathy Nicoson
[email protected]
Kathy, can older SR22Ts (>G3) use your certified Lithium batteries? Do we need a 337 or just a logbook entry?
Great to see that the batteries continue to pas the rigorous testing for certification! We’re at something like six years on our Tundra battery, and even though the plane can sit in the back of the hangar for months at a time, it always fires right up. Kathy, I’ll have to check with you on what’ll be best for the new Rocket’s IO-540!!
Don't know what happened to my original "CONGRATS, I always knew you guys would get there" post, but again, CONGRATULATIONS Kathy and crew!!!
Kathy, can older SR22Ts (>G3) use your certified Lithium batteries? Do we need a 337 or just a logbook entry?
Hello gderamel, unfortunately is does not apply to any other Cirrus models as the location of the battery changed.

You would need an STC or a DER assisted 337 to apply it to another Cirrus Aircraft model.

There is one certified aircraft company, American Champion, that did change their Type Certificate for the Decathalon, Citabria and Scout that does apply to their entire fleet, past and present, as they didn't change anything and we are very happy about this advancement too.
Great to see that the batteries continue to pas the rigorous testing for certification! We’re at something like six years on our Tundra battery, and even though the plane can sit in the back of the hangar for months at a time, it always fires right up. Kathy, I’ll have to check with you on what’ll be best for the new Rocket’s IO-540!!
Hi Paul, I am glad you are happy with your EarthX battery. :) The ETX900 is the battery we recommend for the IO-540 engines, and you can always upgrade even more to the ETX1200 if you want more cranking and capacity too.

The certified aircraft industry, in particular, dealing with the FAA, is a whole new adventure and we often discuss what would be the category if there was a movie about the journey.....Comedy? Horror? Drama?

It hard to believe that it has almost been a decade since we first met you at Oshkosh, and James Clark introduced us. You have always been a supporter of companies being innovative and investing in the experimental aircraft market and we thank you for your support over the years.
Don't know what happened to my original "CONGRATS, I always knew you guys would get there" post, but again, CONGRATULATIONS Kathy and crew!!!
Thank you James. Thank you for always supporting us as the obstacles to "new" technology is always received with resistance and skepticism. We truly are passionate about investing our efforts, time and resources in the aviation industry and people such as yourself, and Paul Dye, are also clearly passionate about this industry too.
Hi Paul, I am glad you are happy with your EarthX battery. :) The ETX900 is the battery we recommend for the IO-540 engines, and you can always upgrade even more to the ETX1200 if you want more cranking and capacity too.

The certified aircraft industry, in particular, dealing with the FAA, is a whole new adventure and we often discuss what would be the category if there was a movie about the journey.....Comedy? Horror? Drama?

It hard to believe that it has almost been a decade since we first met you at Oshkosh, and James Clark introduced us. You have always been a supporter of companies being innovative and investing in the experimental aircraft market and we thank you for your support over the years.
Hey Paul,

FYI. I have an AEIO-540 angle valve engine with 10:1 compression and the ETX900 is more than sufficient. Spins it like a top!

Which EarthX do you recommend for an O-320?
Hi Michael, the ETX680 is a great choice, and you can also upgrade even more to the ETX900 as they are in the same form factor.
Kathy, so good to see your company's success. I've had your batteries in my last three RVs. Now I need to put one in my airshow plane too!