Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
We just had a pretty strong earthquake a few minutes ago that had the ceiling fans swinging around and everything in the kitchen cabinets clanking. After checking for gas leaks, the fireplace for obvious damage, and the garage to make sure nothing fell from the rafters onto the car all is fine here. Nothing fell from the cabinets with this earthquake and no broken windows. This is pretty good for the shake we had. It lasted about 15 or 20 seconds at least and ended with a good jolt. Now I guess I'm going to worry about the RV all night and whether or not it rolled around in the hanger and bumped into the 172 I share the space with. :(
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I hope all is well. Please keep us posted in the AM, when you go see your baby! I'm glad to hear that you and your family are safe and sound.

Same here Bryan. I was sitting on the couch feeding our little one a bottle before her bed time when both my wife and I looked at each other with eyes as big as saucers when the shaking started. My wife's grandmother, who is visiting from VA, came running out of her bedroom with a look of total shock. I hope everything is OK in your hangar.
Yep - this one was just large enough that we figured it was a good time to go outside. ;)
5.6? childs play! I was working at LLNL(Livermore) during the 7.3 Bay area quake of '89. The Laser's shutdown before we even felt anything, once it started rocking we went outside and the ground looked like a bowl of jello.
Tha was Sad day for many. Hope all is well today

I was at the Stockton Arena. We were in our seats and got one short jolt, like someone very large sat down abruptly. Most people there didn't even notice.
Walking around SF, didn't feel a thing, although I guess we're one of the few.

Shoot, would've loved to have expereinced such a small jolt before we left.

We did have a 5.3 in White Plains, NY the day my oldest son was born. Looking back, that was just the "pre game show" with him.
Between the fires, earthquakes and Hollywood it boggles my mine as to why anyone would live on the left coast.

Hope all is well with y'all
I was sitting in my truck about ten miles from the epicenter stopped at a signal light. It felt like somebody was jumping on my bumper. I was telling my wife the other day that it has been a long time since we had a earthquake. I lived in the bay area my whole life, been through many earthquakes. All have been subtle except for the 1989 Loma Prieta which knocked me to the ground.

Between the fires, earthquakes and Hollywood it boggles my mine as to why anyone would live on the left coast.

Hope all is well with y'all

I came here over 23 years ago for the money. The pay is better than Pennsylvania where I came from but I was too young at the time to know that it cost a lot more to live here. Still the climate is better than anywhere else in the country.

IMHO, HollyWEARD is a different country. They do not have an airport so there is nothing there of any value.
Heckuva deal...

Now I guess I'm going to worry about the RV all night and whether or not it rolled around in the hanger and bumped into the 172 I share the space with. :( have to chock your airplane in a hangar...:D Yep, I used to live in Fremont and the dogs usually started barking before we felt it.
Glad you guys are OK. Never felt one of those (Texas). Nervous just thinking about it :).

Done that been there twice.

I experienced two So Cal earthquakes.

magnitude 7.1 - LOMA PRIETA EARTHQUAKE October 17, 1989 / 5:04 pm PST
I was at the OAK airport, United Hanger walking to the parking lot. I watched the blacktop actually ripple like a wave & high standing light polls wave around like a stalk of wheat in the wind.

magnitude 6.6 - SAN FERNANDO EARTHQUAKE TIME: February 9, 1971 / 6:01 am PST
I was a little kid living in Woodland Hills and was almost thrown out of my bed as I slept. I had model planes hanging from my ceilings "crash" to the floor. There where after shocks for days. No damage to the family house but side walks had some buckles that where not there before.

Earth Quakes are one of the weirdest things I have ever experienced.
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magnitude 7.1 - LOMA PRIETA EARTHQUAKE October 17, 1989 / 5:04 pm PST
I was at the OAK airport, United Hanger walking to the parking lot. I watched the blacktop actually ripple like a wave & high standing light polls wave around like a stalk of wheat in the wind.
If you can say that you've "surfed the wave" in an earthquake, you're officially a Californian. :)