
Well Known Member
Well despite the 15-20 gusting to 25 winds yesturday, I earned my instrument rating on the first attempt. It was a workout and a long checkride due to the fact that we had to fly almost an hour to get to a NDB approach but I am satisfied with the results and relieved that I have this rating behind me.

This is such a great process to go thru and it has really taught me how much I did not and still do not know about flying.

I was lucky to have a great instructor and friend who has also built a RV7. He knows his stuff and one day I will be glad that he put me thru the wringer during the training!

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Congrats & tough examiner

Congratulations. I think getting the Instrument ticket is tougher then the PPL.

I can't believe your examiner made you fly an hour to get to an NDB approach - the only NDB's I ever did were on a simulator. I think I did one ILS and a couple of VOR's when I did my checkride.


Congratulations. You can now fly your aircraft in a totally new environment! Other than getting married, training for the rating was the highest point in my life. Very exhausting, challenging but oh so satisfying when you get signed off.

My examiner made me do partial panel ADF approaces. I was glad for my hard assed instructor.

Now the weather learning begins. Being able to come and go in weather I find deeply satisfying.

Art in Asheville
RV-8 flying soon.
Congratulations. I think getting the Instrument ticket is tougher then the PPL.

I can't believe your examiner made you fly an hour to get to an NDB approach - the only NDB's I ever did were on a simulator. I think I did one ILS and a couple of VOR's when I did my checkride.

The spam can does not have a IFR GPS or DME so we were forced to do the NDB along with a LOC and ILS. The NDB approaches are getting harder and harder to find. So is a spam can for rent with the desired gear!
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I forgot to mention that the FAA picked my checkride as an opportunity to check out the examiner so that was fun having the FAA in the backseat:eek:
My examiner made me do partial panel ADF approaces. I was glad for my hard assed instructor.

Me too! On the checkride, the examiner made me do the NDB approach partial panel so I was glad my instructor had made me do this multiple times.
Okay Brian, where did you find that hole in the space-time continuum? Judging from your progress posts, your airplane is coming together faster than they go down the assembly line at a major manufacturer......AND you somehow found the time to get your Instrument ticket?

Okay Brian, where did you find that hole in the space-time continuum? Judging from your progress posts, your airplane is coming together faster than they go down the assembly line at a major manufacturer......AND you somehow found the time to get your Instrument ticket?


Thanks but I just work steady. That is the trick. A little at a time is better than nothing at all. Like I said before, I sometimes feel like I am standing still on the plane. The last two weeks for instance all spare time was spent studying for the oral.

Now that the instrument rating is out of the way, it is time to get serious!
Well despite the 15-20 gusting to 25 winds yesturday, I earned my instrument rating on the first attempt. It was a workout and a long checkride due to the fact that we had to fly almost an hour to get to a NDB approach but I am satisfied with the results and relieved that I have this rating behind me.

This is such a great process to go thru and it has really taught me how much I did not and still do not know about flying.

I was lucky to have a great instructor and friend who has also built a RV7. He knows his stuff and one day I will be glad that he put me thru the wringer during the training!


Good show, Brian.

No doubt you worked very diligently to get the rating. Like the PPL, it is a license to learn. Be careful excercising the privilege.
I'm on your 6

Nice work Brian! I'm jealous that you are already done! :)

I did my Instrument XC over your way. Kinda' busy one doing the NDB at MNV, ILS at TYS and VOR at GKT since they are fairly close together. There is a similar arrangement of 3 approaches near Spartanburg, SC that my instructor likes to ride through while I sweat. :rolleyes:

I hope to take the check ride soon and never have to do another NDB in high winds, (or ever?)! :p
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