
Well Known Member
So I just got going on the empennage and I have been cross checking my steps with various builder sites, this site, and the Orndorff videos (from 1996) that I picked up a year ago as a exploritory first step. Like I said, they are very dated, I had to buy a cheap VCR just to watch them, but there are some good hints in there. It has also provided a good overview of what is "coming next", how the parts transition to other parts, etc. But is it relevant to today's kit??

The Orndorff videos show the hor. stab being built on a vertical jig (of sorts) made of 2 2x4's with string and avery jig mounts, etc, etc, etc. It reminds me of a wing jig with the 2x4's horizontally intersecting the 4x4 vertical beams. Contrast that with what I am seeing these days - most builders are just rocking along with the ... cleco 'em up, match drill, debur and rivet, roll on... (oversimplifying to make a point, but unless I am missing something that comes later - Van's doesn't mention building the hs in a jig - right?)

So, is the jig necessary, needed, or is it overkill for the match drilled kits of today....??

The Orndorff videos were for the -6/-8 match drilled kits - but like I said they are from 1996. Just needing the early sanity check :D
The only jigs needed for the empennage are the ones you build to help hold the parts upright while you rivet. There is no need for other jigs to hold the parts in alignment with the matched hole construction.


Here is another improvised jig to get the elevators on the -9 held open enough to rivet.

The old way

As Bruce mentioned, with the newer match drilling at the factory, there is no need for a jig for the wings, tail or fuselage. There was when I built mine (and when O did the videos) because there were no predrilled holes in any of the ribs from the factory back then. One had to draw a line on the center of the ribs, line them up with the holes of the skin after the skelaton frame/ribs were jigged perfectly straight (yea, right), and drill away. No need for a jig now because it's straight with the CNC predrilling that makes it all align perfectly. Dave
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Thanks Bruce - That makes sense - thanks for the hints on the improvised jig too!

The only jigs needed for the empennage are the ones you build to help hold the parts upright while you rivet. There is no need for other jigs to hold the parts in alignment with the matched hole construction.

Ohhhhh...yes, now that I think about it - I do recall that he did draw a line on the ribs in the O tapes... I wondered why he did that? :D That makes sense now - So they really weren't match drilled after all! Thanks Dave! BTW - LOVE the paint on your -8!!!

As Bruce mentioned, with the newer match drilling at the factory, there is no need for a jig for the wings, tail or fuselage. There was when I built mine (and when O did the videos) because there were no predrilled holes in any of the ribs from the factory back then. One had to draw a line on the center of the ribs, line them up with the holes of the skin after the skelaton frame/ribs were jigged perfectly straight (yea, right), and drill away. No need for a jig now because it's straight with the CNC predrilling that makes it all align perfectly. Dave