I will jump in.
Today if you want too, but
They might put you on a mower.:D
OK so how do you figure out where to go, especially in North 40? The corollary to this question is on what day do the marshallers start directing you where to park?
Can't answer for N40 but in homebuilt our early arrival crew is there the weekend before opening weekend. Any time during the week before, by Wednesday we have rows set up and are ready.

Of course, if you get there that early, you'd better have a good reason, ie. be part of the volunteer effort. Otherwise, you're just in the way. You also need to be pretty self sufficient if you get there any sooner than Saturday, as there is no transportation, food etc. in place.
We've arrived for GAC in the N40 as early as the Saturday morning before (would be 7/22 this year) and the marshallers were already in full effect. I believe the NOTAM "begins" on Friday 7/21 at 6:00AM... not sure if that corresponds to when the marshallers will start as well, but it seems like a logical assumption. Prior to that, OSH operates like a normal Class D airport, so you can possibly get parking instructions from the tower(?).
I flew in on Friday morning and was marshaled to a spot in HBP. If you don't like how crazy it gets on arrival Saturday or mostly Sunday, Friday is the day to get there. Very laid back, controllers are chatty. Like a normal approach to a controlled field. Link to a video below.

It's fun to get there a few days early, but don't forget they'll charge you $27/day every day you're there. And it gives the wonderful Wisconsin weather more time to jack up your plane. :eek: It's been rowdy up there lately. I hope it settles down!
Anybody have experience with Appleton during Oshkosh? Looking into landing there, curious about the parking / tie down situation / how crowded it gets, etc.
Hey Todd

/I'll be arriving on 7/11 in the late afternoon. You're welcome anytime but the HB field will only be lined with the burn lines, no row cones yet. And yes, I may put you on a mower:D