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Eagle's Nest Projects
Two 1st Solos - 1 Day and 1000 miles Apart


Rachel Senft (L) a student at Central High School in Wisconsin completed her 1st Solo flight on August 29th in "Falcon One", an Eagle's Nest RV-12 she helped build.

Ryan Malcomb (R) a student at Circle Christian School in Florida completed his 1st Solo Flight on his 16th birthday, August 30th, in "God Speed", an Eagle's Nest RV-12 he helped build.

I could write pages of praise on these two young adults and their personal accomplishments but will instead share some personal remarks from Rachel's flight instructor and Dad. Will follow-up soon with Ryan's equally impressive story. Enjoy... /reb

From Rachel’s Flight Instructor, Dan Lund:
Rachel has been a great student with an even better attitude. She's benefited from flying with her father, Jim Senft, Central High School's Eagles Program Director, and has a good base of air sense and ability. She's been a quick learner and over the past month has overcome some 'lazy rudder feet' to become a very consistent pilot.

We have had some great Wisconsin weather this summer and the 29th of August was no exception; light easterly winds at 4 knots, broken deck at 4000, and unlimited visibility. After meeting-up late afternoon to cover a few remaining topics and her pre-solo exam, we left for a quick dual session. I made sure to keep quiet and to keep my hands and feet well clear as she completed three traffic patterns. We did a go-around and a simulated engine failure on downwind which she handled perfectly. We taxied in, shut down, and filled out the mandatory endorsements.

I gave Rachel a few words of last minute advise. First, don't get creative and do things just as you have been trained to do and everything will go perfect. Second, that the airplane would be lighter without me and will act a little different; be ready for it. And lastly, no matter what happens on the approach if it doesn't look good, go-around. While it was a little late in the evening I told her she still had time for her three circuits... and off she went.

I sat outside and watched the first landing. She made a beautiful approach to runway 11 at KBUU with a textbook landing. Quick stop to clean up and off she went for the second circuit.

I was really proud of Rachel the second trip around. We've preached that good approaches make good landings. She appeared to come in a little flat on the approach and she didn't try to "save" the landing; she executed a go-around... Awesome decision! Rachel finished her last traffic pattern and taxied in...success.

From Rachel's Dad, Jim Senft:

Rachel has grown up around aircraft all her life. Pictured here sitting with her brother Travis behind the stick of a “Coot” homebuilt aircraft that she and I restored. Even then, you can see the smile on her face as I am sure she was dreaming of the day she will become a pilot.

Rachel continued her love of airplanes by helping me build build a Van’s RV-12 in the basement of our home.

The love of aviation didn’t stop there for Rachel. She inspired me to organize a STEM Aviation Program at Central High School. This Eagle’s Nest project has not only completed "Falcon One", a Van’s RV-12, but has produced 4 pilots. The program is currently working on its second aircraft named "F2 Talon" which is expected to be completed by the first of the year. Here's Rachel with one of her fellow Eagle’s Nest builders.

Rachel also understands that Airventure is made possible by volunteers. Here is a picture of Rachel painting the fuel tanks at the Airventure Sea Plane Base. Together, we volunteered many hour painting tanks, staining and washing the docks.

Rachel is also an accomplished swimmer and Life Guard. She's in her fourth year as a competitive swimmer on the Badger High school Swim Team and has won many awards and races. As a Life Guard, Rachel received a Civilian Gallantry Award from the Lake Geneva Police Department for her part in a rescuing a 42-year-old female swimmer who suffered a heart attack in the pool. She also received recognition of her life saving heroics from Congressman and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Rachel continues her achievements inside the classroom. She's shown here with fellow Eagle’s Nest builder and now Private Pilot Josh Engberg, being inducted into Central High School's National Honor Society.

Rachel is also a dog trainer and an accomplished equestrian and plans to become a Veterinarian. This is a hard road but with Rachel’s determination, I am sure she will accomplish her goals.

Rachel, Congratulations on your accomplishment... I'm very proud of you!
Love, Dad
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Ryan Malcomb - The Rest of the Story

Ryan Malcomb - 1st Solo Flight on his 16th birthday (8/30/17)
Continuing a family tradition, Ryan is the 4th member to complete a 1st Solo Flight on a 16th birthday!

Pictured below is Ryan on the ramp at Sanford Intl (KSFB) after his 1st solo flight. Sanford is a very busy controlled airport that requires skillful and complex communications. After demonstrating to his instructor that he had "the right stuff" to do his 1st solo flight at KSFB, his instructor signed him off and the rest is history. Way to go, Ryan!


Meet the Malcomb Gang; each completed their 1st Solo Flight on their 16th birthday!
Left to Right: Matthew, Madison, Austin, Ryan


Ryan's mom, dad, and brother were on hand to witness the event and to congratulate Ryan when he taxied back to the hangar. If you've ever watched your child fly an airplane solo for their first time, you understand the roller-coaster of emotions experienced; highs filled with joy, happiness, and pride of their accomplishment and lows filled with fear of what might no go as planned. In typical Ryan style, he made us all proud and left everyone at the top of the roller-coaster.

Link to a story by Megan Esau >> HERE
EAA-Inspire publication
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For all you parents..... I know what you feel like when your son or daughters first solo.

Thanks Ernie for giving this wonderful opportunity to so many young kids. I and the other mentors are just an extension your hands and heart.