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Spotlight on Jim Senft
Eagle's Nest Projects - Program Director, Central High School (WI)


Jim Senf is a mover and shaker in his community and if you ever meet him, you'll instantly begin to share his high level of excitement and enthusiasm for "paying it forward". Jim organized and manages the Central High School (WI) Aviation Club and in partnership with Eagle's Nest Projects, he's been a commanding influence in the lives of hundreds of young adults and community leaders. His untiring efforts inspire and empower the youth to become more than they ever dreamed possible and he brings out the best in the community leaders in support of his programs and the youth. The spotlight is on you, Jim... and it's well deserved for all that you do! Thank you! /reb

I (and others) received this note from Jim sometime before Thanksgiving; “I am Thankful for:" I’m sharing it here because it inspired me and because it may provide others food for thought. BTW, did I mention Jim's son is an Eagle Scout? /reb


I am Thankful for: -Jim Senft

Well… just like a good midweek early bird dinner special that starts at 4:00 PM, my Thanksgiving thoughts are also early this year and I find myself listening to Christmas carols on the way into work. Too early… I don’t think so. I also was thinking “what would I tell my 20-year-old self”, Deal with stress better and don’t let any opportunity pass you by no matter how hard you might have to work. I don’t remember if I was stressed at 20, but it is definitely a demon I fight today. As for “opportunity”, I started this program [Eagle’s Nest Projects / CHS Aero Club] to give the opportunity of hands-on-learning and flight to the next generation. “We” have an amazing opportunity that has been gifted to everyone involved in this program. Take advantage of this opportunity. Work hard, Respect others, say thanks more than you think is necessary, work with a purpose, be there for others, and choose your attitude. I know when I get stressed, I need to be reminded of many of these things.

I am Thankful for:

My family for allowing me to dedicate my time towards this program.

Ernie and the whole Eagle’s Nest organization for allowing us to participate in this program.

Mrs. Albrecht, CHS administrators and School Board for seeing the value of our program and supporting our program.

Mr. Lund, Mr. Ferguson, and Mr. Putra. The words “Thank You” is never enough. They are our three amazing flight instructors. Their dedication and hard work are amazing. They define the words professional and extraordinary. I haven’t met three other people with the level of dedication and passion for flying these three guys (Okay maybe once) Thank you for making our flight program successful. Fly safe and have fun.

Mr. Pai for everything he does. He does a ton of work. He is the face, the voice and the go-to person for all the students’ questions. He runs the program with respect to school operations. He has been with the program from the beginning. Thanks.

Mr. Pai, Mrs. Bolz, and Mr. Schroeder, and Mr. Medina for being great mentors for both me and the students.

Parent Board: Mr. Schroeder, Mrs. Bolz, Mr. Medina, Mr. Pai, Mrs. Khalil, Mrs. Sanderson, and Mr. Engberg for the rock-solid advice and creative ideas that take the program from great to extraordinary. Thanks

Mrs. Switalla and Mrs. Seils for having to deal with me. They keep the program running. They are always helpful, friendly and kind to all my crazy demands. Yes, one day I will get you all the paperwork done on time. They keep us flying. Thank you.

Mr. Merrill, all I have is WOW. Mrs. Switalla and Mrs. Seils are the stitching and Mr. Merrill is the fabric. He does more for our program than I can even begin to type in an email. Just Wow and Thanks you. Mr. Merrill makes sure we receive all our parts and that our shop is open for our Saturday build days. Again, thank you.

Todd Burrus for the use of his hanger, tools, technical skills and much much more. He helps because he can. Thanks.

Random people like Bob. I still have no idea who Bob is or even Bob’s last name. He showed up with a trailer to help move the plane to the hanger. This random help by others gives me the engorgement that we are doing something right. Thanks

All our donors and supporters of our program. Most give blindly to our program and don’t ask for much in return.

My Boss (Greg Kozak) and my team for letting me work a flexible schedule so I can have build days on Fridays.

CHS Foundation for working with us help secure funding for our program.

CHS students for trusting in all our mentors to teach them and to share the world of aviation with them.

Parents that dedicate time and talents to help ensure our success

All our program graduates especially the ones that have been with the program for all four years Nicole, Olivia, James, Josh F. Josh E., Rachel, and Alex

Our President, Anthony for the extra effort he puts into the program and for showing up at the hanger when it is freezing cold to help me get the plane ready for inspection.

Our Vice President, Evee for making sure we are reminded of food allergies and making sure we all (Especially Mr. Senft) work safely.

EAA for supporting our Airventure week

I am sure I am forgetting many great people but that doesn’t mean I am not thankful for their effort.

Have a great Thanksgiving
Mr. 532FT
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