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Lakeland, Florida
2015 Sun and Fun International Fly-in & Expo

High school students from Florida, Indiana, and Texas, flew their completed Eagle?s Nest Projects Van?s RV-12 aircraft
into the 2015 SnF International Fly-In & Expo. The gaggle of six aircraft arrived together at Lake Parker, all six were
given ?direct? to the runway, and all six landed on their assigned colored spot. The group submitted four of their
aircraft for judging, and all four won the judges? OUTSTANDING AIRCRAFT AWARD. In addition to the individual aircraft
awards, the judges were so inspired by the accomplishments of the group that they created a new judging category;
YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT, which was presented to Eagle?s Nest Projects.

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For additional photos and some cool video, please visit Circle Christian School Facebook page >> HERE
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Eagle's Nest Projects - Sun and Fun Radio

Eagle's Nest Projects - Sun and Fun Radio
Lakeland, Florida
2015 Sun and Fun International Fly-in & Expo

Friday afternoon build-students from Circle Christian School took control of the airways on SnF Radio. Circle Christian
School has completed two Van?s RV-12 aircraft, their second in only 24 weeks! Each build-student shared a personal
Experience from their build but as a group, shared a common thread - the opportunity to participate in an
Eagle?s Nest Project was a life altering experience.

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Eagle's Nest Projects - Kevin Lacey / "Airplane Repo"

Eagle's Nest Projects - Kevin Lacey / "Airplane Repo"
Lakeland, Florida
2015 Sun and Fun International Fly-in & Expo

Kevin Lacey, ?Airplane Repo? on the Discovery Channel, brought his camera crew to the flightline and interviewed
each of the Eagle?s Nest build-students. Kevin is passionate about aviation and he's dedicated to inspiring young
adults to pursue a career in aviation. The segment will air soon on the Discovery Channel. In parting, Kevin
assured the build-students that their aircraft were safe from the repo man. Kevin's Facebook >> HERE

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Eagle's Nest Projects - Showcase Flight by Team AeroDynamix

Eagle's Nest Projects - Showcase Flight by Team AeroDynamix
Lakeland, Florida
2015 Sun and Fun International Fly-in & Expo

At show center - ?Kahuna?, ?Leggs?, and ?Chatterbox?, pilots from Team AeroDynamix, took control of the skies in
precision formation flight flying three of the student-built Eagle?s Nest RV-12 aircraft. Team AeroDynamix is a long-time
supporter of Eagle?s Nest Projects and they always make us ?look good?. Thank you Team AeroDynamix!
Team AeroDynamix Website >> HERE

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Eagle's Nest Projects - Education Day at Florida Air Museum

Eagle's Nest Projects - Education Day at Florida Air Museum
Lakeland, Florida
2015 Sun and Fun International Fly-in & Expo

Thursday morning 11:00 to 12:00. Eagle?s Nest campuses from Florida, Indiana, Texas, and Wisconsin shared
their experience and overwhelming success with the Eagle?s Nest program. Eagle?s Nest Projects is partnered
with two leaders in STEM education, Embry-Riddle and Project Lead the Way. All aircraft are built within a high
school campus, during regular school hours, and build-students receive academic credit; select campuses offer dual
credit. At the completion of the aircraft build and FAA certification, build-students are eligible to receive 20 hours of
free flight instruction in an Eagle?s Nest RV-12! Eagle?s Nest Projects are available to public and private high schools
who meet a strict criteria for a successful program. Sun & Fun Education Programs >> HERE

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Eagle's Nest Projects - The Florida Ledger

Eagle's Nest Projects - The Florida Ledger
Lakeland, Florida
2015 Sun and Fun International Fly-in & Expo

Read the complete article >> HERE

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Our team has been working with these great kids for a couple of years now, meeting them at air shows and demonstrating the RV-12's for them. Its very uplifting to spend time with these kids, and their mentors. With the news full of general world madness, these kids and their mentors really put a smile on my face. They do more for me that I do for them. Im honored that they allow me to participate in their program, albeit in a very small way.

Thank you Earnie and team for reminding us that the world is not all bad, and that our youth really are able to make it happen, be motivated, get it done, and inspire the rest of us with the hope of a bright future.
Hey Ernie

Congratulations. Great to see you again. Eagles Nest has inspired us as EAA chapter 690 to apply for the build program with Airventure this summer & we hope we are fortunate to be awarded one of the 10 wings being built to start our project in Lawrenceville, GA.
Again congratulations & see you at KOSH.
Congratulations to Scott and Ernie and all the students at Circle Christen School and Clear Springs High School. Great job!

Greetings, I was one of the mentors for the two RV12's at Circle Christian School. What an incredible program this is! Several of the kids had very little experience working with any type of tools when the year started. We began by giving them experience riviting and dimpling and many other skills working on scrap aluminum. Once we got started building the airplane they were quite good.
They also became quite good at reading the plans. Their young minds were challenged in a way that I believe was a bit different than they were used to. It was very exciting to see the airplane come together after working class after class on sub assemblies and details. I have built my own RV12 and I know what a nice one looks like. These are nice ones.
Thank you Eagles Nest, Scott and Ernie for allowing me to be a part of this program. I like to call it Young Eagles on steroids.
Eagle's Nest Program

I had the opportunity to work with one of the Eagle?s Nest projects represented at SNF this year. What an outstanding experience! Seeing the students come together with little more than a desire to ?do something fun and different,? and ending with an award winning project-built airplane has been perhaps the most enjoyable aviation-related activity of my life. In addition to mastering many of the skills necessary to build an airplane, the students also picked-up life building skills including teamwork, commitment and dedication. Yes, the students are to be recognized and congratulated, but of equal importance is the Eagle?s Nest organization. Ernie Butcher, Scott Malcomb and all others that have invested and supported this extraordinary program need to be recognized and appreciated for growing our youth and contributing to the longevity of the wonderful opportunities and experiences we enjoy associated with aviation. Let's get behind this organization. Thank you all!
Awesome Young People !

EAA chapter 866 had the privelege of hosting Scott Malcomb and a group of Eagles Nest student builders at one of our meetings last year. It was indeed inspirational to see and hear what these folks had done! The students who had completed the first Eagle's Nest plane in Florida were with us and gave a presentation and answered a lot of our questions, and showed off the finished plane as well. They were all very well spoken, and confident, and demonstrated an amazing level of aviation knowledge. The craftsmanship in the plane was just first class and the students were justifiably proud or their achievement.

What a terrific program! And meeting those young people certainly gives me hope for the future of aviation!