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Eagle's Nest Projects
Saturday, May 19, 2018 - KCXO

Montgomery High School (TX) celebrates the inaugural 1st flight of "Bear Force One". The celebration was a community event with over 200 in attendance and the high school marching band never missed a beat. Following remarks from school and city dignitaries, the Eagle's Nest student-built aircraft (EN-19) was officially unveiled. Following the unveiling the build-students held a drawing to see which students would receive the "first flights". It was decided long before the event that the teacher, Jennifer Duffer, would be the very first passenger. Throughout the school year Jennifer remarked to her aero students that she sincerely appreciated the trust they placed in her to secure their safety and education and that in turn she wanted to acknowledge her trust in them as builders of the airplane by being the first passenger. The weather was outstanding and the event was a huge success.

Montgomery HS student-built Bear Force One soars above Conroe
Story >>
The Courier of Montgomery County

EN-19 Build-Students

The "Unveiling"

Student recognition and final prep for inaugural 1st flight

Aside: Immediately following the program, Jennifer Duffer, the build-students' PLTW Aero instructor, surprised each of the mentors with their very own professionally published memory album reminiscing the build of Bear Force One. The album documents the build with lots of photos, but more importantly documents many personal experiences and comments from her students. My favorite page is Jennifer's open letter to the mentor team and with her permission I'm sharing it here for your enjoyment. /reb

To the best group of mentors....
- Jennifer Duffer, PLTW Aerospace Instructor Montgomery High School

You have gone above and beyond to guide, educate, and provide opportunities for our students. You have taught them more than just how to use tools and how to build an airplane. You’ve taught them how to problem solve, work as a team, be professional, to have passion and pride in their work, how to be a hard worker, and how to enjoy life while doing all that. Most all of you have developed relationships that the students cherish and have grown so much from. You all truly are the example of the Eagle’s Nest motto. You built up the students’ confidence and skills so they could build an airplane alongside you.

Your influence hasn’t only affected the students. I have learned so much from all of you along this journey, and I too have had many amazing opportunities. I’ve always loved flying and wished that it was something I had learned to do, and now thanks to you all that passion has been reinvigorated. I’ve enjoyed learning new skills and how to use new tools, and watching the airplane come together in just 30 weeks! There were times when I enjoyed just stopping by and watching everything going on in the shop. It was great to see you working with the kids, and the kids working with you and each other. Some of my favorite moments were after the students would leave and you all would reflect on the day. I was able to watch and listen (and get a few laughs) as you discussed what was good, bad, surprising. The funny times when you were shocked at how detailed of instructions you had to give for a task you thought was so simple. My favorite line was “welcome to my world”. I was able to watch you learn how to be teachers.

One thing I think we all loved is getting to know each of you. When I asked for feedback from the kids my favorite response was “Old guys have a pretty good sense of humor”. Yes you do, and your humor helped us get to know you more, and it also made the project enjoyable. Thank you for your humor, sharing your passion for aviation, for teaching us, and most of all for your time and dedication to a bunch of high school kids and their teacher. You’ve made an impact that will last a lifetime and probably even more as our students move on and share what they learned from you.

Thank You!
Jennifer Duffer & the Montgomery High School Aerospace Class of 2018

... and if you want more
Youtube Video by Joe Waltz of the actual first flight (Phase-1) >> HERE

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Is the plane polished? Maybe it is just the bright TX Sun. Fly safe and have fun.

"Bear Force One" (EN-19 Montgomery High School) was naked at the event... scheduled for paint at GLO Custom Aircraft Painting (52F) the first week of June. Bear Force One will be fully dressed in school colors (FexEx purple) and on display at OSH.

Eagle's Nest Projects /EN-17 "Sky Dog" Granbury High School (TX)
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Congratulations Montgomery High School!

What an incredible accomplishment.

If my math is correct Bear Force One is the 15th successfully completed and flying Eagle's Nest Projects RV-12 and 7 more are in various stages of construction around the country.
Our 10 member mentor team had a great time with our 48 students and 1 teacher this year. In 30 short weeks we saw them learn, grow, mature and develop into a team. Oh yeah, in the meantime they built a plane.

The unveiling was a fun day that capped off a great year. See you at OSH!
Preceding the Innagural flight with our teacher, Jennifer Duffer, in the left seat we completed the required Phase 1 test flights using Mentor members as the pilots. Shout out to Vans for a great product that made this day possible.

First test flight was documented with a chase plane that Jennifer rode in to see Bearforce 1 (the kids named it with their school mascot in mind) up close and inflight. Her comments at the end of the attached video say it all.
