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Eagle's Nest Projects is coming to North Texas (KTKI)


McKinney HS students - Young Eagles Day at Aero Country Airport (T31)

August - 2015
Eagle's Nest Projects has partnered with the McKinney Aviation Academy (McKinney ISD) to bring an Eagle's Nest Project to their airport-campus located at McKinney National (Collin County) Airport (KTKI). McKinney ISD is committed to providing the finest and most comprehensive high school aviation program in the country; in the past 3-years McKinney ISD has implemented a variety of aviation curriculums at each of their high schools, purchased a Redbird FD flight sim, and partnered with the City of McKinney, McKinney National Airport, Monarch Air, and many others to provide third and fourth year students airport-based (KTKI) classroom and shop facilities.

Aviation Academy >> Website

While the McKinney Aviation Academy is receiving 110% support from their School District, local businesses, the City of McKinney, and surrounding communities, we need YOU, the experienced RV builder, to make this Eagle's Nest Project a 'home-run'. The typical shop/build class (air conditioned) will be 4-hours long, two or three days per week, and during school hours. If you fly to the airport you can park right next to the classroom, and space permitting (almost always) inside the Monarch Air hangar.

Please consider volunteering your time and talent to the aviation inspired youth of North Texas... we need YOU! Short notice I know, but you're invited to a 'advisory meeting' being held this Monday 1:00-2:30 at the KTKI Monarch Air facility. If you want to volunteer or just want to learn more, please contact me by email or phone... or just show up at the meeting.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 713-823-9509

Edit: Mr. Brent Crabe, RV-8 driver and current RV-14A builder from Conroe, TX, donated his 'still in the crate' RV-12 Empennage/Tail Kit to get the project started. Thank You Brent!!!

Have a great day!
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Eagles Nest and Liability


What you all are doing is fantastic. As we all know there is a huge need to bring youngsters into the aviation world. Unfortunately it has become a rich man's realm and is very unobtainable to the average man much less kid.

I have spoken top the local EAA chapter president about this and he stated that the local schools prohibit them (EAA Chapter) from even promoting Young Eagles because they (the local school system) believe that it causes a liability to them??

Can you address how/if you have dealt with such a concern where you are?

Thanks, and thank you for bringing aviation to our future pilots.

I have spoken top the local EAA chapter president about this and he stated that the local schools prohibit them (EAA Chapter) from even promoting Young Eagles because they (the local school system) believe that it causes a liability to them??

Can you address how/if you have dealt with such a concern where you are?

Brent, thank you for your inquiry. We've never experienced the difficulty you describe and we promote the EAA Young Eagles program in both public and private schools. Given that Young Eagles candidates are between the age of 8 and 17 (school age) and that the current count of Young Eagles flown is 1,936,432, I suspect your Chapter's experience is isolated to your School District and is simply a "failure to communicate". Sean D. Tucker is the Chairman of EAAs Young Eagles program, his passion for flying kids is second to none, and my best guess is that one phone call from your Chapter President or Young Eagles coordinator to Sean would do wonders to resolve your problem. Hope this helps.

Aside: All Eagle's Nest Projects build-students age 17 or younger are required to participate in a Young Eagles flight, not so much for the flight experience but to connect them to EAA and qualify them for Sporty's offering of free online private pilot ground school. We also promote AOPA's AV8R youth program which connects our build-students with AOPA and offerings of additional scholarships. /reb
We are still looking for mentors for the 2015-2016 school year.

Students will be building from noon to 2pm several times a week.

Mentors do not need to be at every build session.

Contact me or Erine for more info and lets help McKinney get their RV-12 off the ground!
I can wait to meet you at Sun-n-Fun or AirVenture. You will find the Eagle?s Nest program is awesome and is a great opportunity to build school pride, student leaders, and yes even an airplane. The Wisconsin Eagle?s Nest plane will see its first flight later this month. I will send you a personal email so you have my school email contact information.