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Eagle's Nest Projects - Clear Springs HS (TX) Lands at Top Golf
June 27, 2019


The Clear Creek Education Foundation has for many years generously supported the Eagle's Nest Projects RV-12 build program at Clear Springs High School (TX). Clear Springs just completed their 5th RV-12; the 22nd build in the Eagle's Nest program. In appreciation of the foundation's generous support, Eagle's Nest Projects participated in a recent CCEF fund raising event and featured for the donors in attendance an example of the good work their dollars are doing in the education community. The event was an overwhelming success and unofficially raised $36,000 for district projects.

...and the icing on the cake
3-passes of a 4-ship formation; David Grover (RV-8), Lead

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The EN program continues to amaze me! I know it didn’t happen by magic and it didn’t happen over night. It happened because a few smart people had an insane idea and the spirit to attract many more smart people to make it happen.

Super cool, Can't wait to see everyone at Airventure 2019. Bring your rain gear. We have had a lot of rain this spring and summer in Wisconsin.
