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Well Known Member
Eagle's Nest Projects - Central HS (WI)

Valarie Meyer - 1st Solo Flight (RV-12)

My solo was the most exhilarating experience I've ever had. Being up in the air and doing it all on my own was so empowering. I'm so thankful that I've gotten the opportunity to join this program and to have the privilege to work with Mr. Ferguson. He is a wonderful instructor and mentor, who prepared me well for this moment. - Valarie



Valarie and CFI, Mickey Ferguson

Remarks from the Mentor/Support Team

- Mickey Ferguson, Valarie's Flight Instructor
It is amazing to watch this impressive young lady growing in leaps and bounds in skill, knowledge, confidence, and character. The Eagle’s Nest Program is an amazing opportunity for these aspiring engineers and aviators and both Valarie and I are learning so much through our association with this outstanding organization.

- Jim Senft, ENP Project Director
Valarie is a strong, soft-spoken, intelligent young person. She never lets anyone or anything get in her way of success. She faces every challenge with compassion, determination, drive, and thoughtful thinking. She is a beautiful flower that will grow in the crack of the sidewalk. Valarie is an outstanding young person that has a future in aviation.
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She is a real positive down to earth person that will have a long career in aviation. Great job Val. Now if only Mr. Senft can spell your name correctly.
If that smile was any wider I think her face would explode :p
You really should have thrown a bucket of water on her though, to make her really feel like part of the gang.
Big CONGRATS to Val. Thanks for sharing as it is a really good program and it is great to see the outcomes of these fine young people.