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Eagle's Nest Projects - Central High School
July 23, 2020

Travis Senft - Central High School's 8th Private Pilot!
July 11, 2020 - Central High School, Salem Wisconsin

With guidance and support from an outstanding team of mentors, Student Pilot Travis Senft earned his Private Pilot License. The plan was for Travis to take his check ride on his 17th birthday but weather, Covid-19, and other factors beyond control delayed the flight for 7-days. Close enough, Travis!

Travis demonstrated his proficiency and professional piloting skills in a Van's RV-12 aircraft, the aircraft he helped build and the second Eagle's Nest Projects RV-12 (Falcon-2) completed at Central high school; they're currently working on their 3rd. Travis marks the 8th Central high school student to receive a Private Pilot License in an aircraft they built... pretty impressive!

Travis will be starting his junior year at Central High School in Salem Wisconsin. Travis has been on the academic honor roll since 6th grade. He is a varsity trap shooter on the high school team that has won numerous state and national tiles. Travis earned his Boy Scout Eagle Scout rank at the age of fifteen with over 40 merit badges and holds rank of Brotherhood in the Order of the Arrow. He soloed on the 4th of July 2019, his 16th birthday; and yes, before he could drive himself to the airport. After graduating high school, his plans are to become a professional corporate pilot and will be available for hire in about 5 years. Travis is a great example of 'hard work matters'. His plans are to use the rest of the summer working at the local FBO and playing with his two dogs.

Travis - 1st Solo on his 16th birthday

Travis - Ready for his Oral Exam

Travis with his dad at Philmont

Travis - The Eagle Scout and Private Pilot!

Congratulations Travis on your outstanding accomplishments!!
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Tremendous testimony to the program and all those who volunteer to mentor and teach our youth about aviation! Thank you Ernie and all involved.