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Eagle's Nest Projects - Central High School (WI)
December 8, 2021

Central High School (WI)
Students Austin Dustin & Tyler Schoolcraft Receive PPL in Student Built Aircraft

Austin (left) and Tyler (right) each completed their solo flights on the the same day, July 6, 2021, and again on the same day 5 months later, December 8, 2021, each received their PPL. Austin is the school's 12th student to receive a PPL in an Eagle's Nest Projects RV-12 aircraft built by CHS students and Tyler is the 13th. Congratulations to Austin, Tyler, and to the entire team who freely give their time and resources to educate and support these deserving youth.


-Jim Senft, CHS ENP Program Director
It was a beautiful clear and cold day at the Burlington WI airport (KBUU) for the latest Eagle Nest students to take their PPL flight exam. The toss of a coin ultimately decided who was going to take the first attempt and Tyler won the toss. Austin Dawson (Junior) and Tyler Schoolcraft (Senior) both piloted Eagle’s Nest Projects RV-12 “F2 Talon” to near perfection during their flight exam. Congrats to both Austin and Tyler.

- Austin
Being part of the Westosha Central High School STEM Aviation program and going through their pilot training program has been one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. It has introduced me to a vast, closely-knit community that I previously had no notion of existing. It has been so enjoyable in fact that I intend on pursuing a future career in aviation. I would just like to thank Mr. Ferguson, my CFI, Mr. Senft, and everybody else who takes the time out of their days in order to make this opportunity possible for us. – Austin Dawson

- Tyler
On the cold afternoon of December 8th, 2021, I climbed out of our student-built Van’s RV-12 and, with a handshake from my DPE, I was blessed with the words “Congratulations on your Private Pilot’s License.” The culmination of 50 hours of training crashed over me as I was handed my certificate. Filled with a mix of pride and relief, I walked out of the hangar with the knowledge and confidence that I will carry on with me throughout my life.

Beginning my junior year, I would have laughed if I was told I was going to become a pilot by my senior year. Never would I have thought I’d have the opportunity to obtain a license at 18 years old and I owe my achievement to my incredible flight instructor, Mr. Lund, and my ever-supportive parents. Additionally, I would like to thank my aviation club director, Mr. Senft, and the Eagle’s Nest Organization for providing me with the chance to affordably attain my license and the chance to assemble an aircraft for future aviators. It has been an amazing experience, and I’m excited to kick start my journey with a Private Pilot’s License.
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We are proud of all the accomplished pilots and Mechanics that Eagles Nest Projects have produced.
Newly minted pilots

Fly long & safe young men, we need you to continue the traditions of American Aviating into the future.

Jerry Fischer
Commercial Pilot MEI,
RV-7 builder