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December 1, 2017
Central High School (WI) Eagle's Nest Projects (Team Senft)

Anthony Medina - 1st Supervised Solo (Executed flawlessly)

Team 'Senft' at Central High School (WI) is turning out private pilots at a record pace. Central's team of student-builders, mentors, and community supporters are near completion of their 2nd Eagle's Nest Projects RV-12 build and continue to expand their flight training program for the student-builders.

Please welcome Anthony to the VAF community and don't be bashful to share any words of wisdom or encouragement.

Congratulations Anthony!!! We're all VERY proud of your accomplishment.

From the Flight Instructor John Putra

Anthony and I have had a few challenging days of flying due to high and gusting winds at our home airport. Anthony showed he could handle the plane well in turbulence and high crosswinds. We finally had a lower wind day and I was pretty confident on my way to the airport Saturday, Dec 2, that Anthony would become the CHS club's 6th student to earn his wings by soloing the plane he helped to build.The temperature was in the 40s and winds were out of 250@8 knots.

Anthony and I met at 10AM, and wouldn't you know it, there was no plane to be found! Another CHS aviation super star had booked the plane that morning and was just a few minutes late on his way back from an Oshkosh cross country. Eventually we tag teamed the preflight and fired up RV-12 N904EN to head out for a short dual lesson. Anthony flew the traffic pattern well, but he had to deal with multiple targets in the traffic pattern. We were able to talk about different strategies for dealing with traffic in the pattern. At one point we were number 3 for landing, however he handled the additional traffic well and landed on runway 29's centerline with minimal drift 3 times. I gave him an engine failure in the pattern and also made him go-around, all without me having to touch any of the controls. I told him to drop me off, gave him instructions to do 3 more traffic patterns, be mindful of other traffic in the pattern, and reminded him how well the plane might perform without my dead weight sitting next to him. He asked me if landing would be different, I responded by telling him no, but told him the takeoff and climb out sure would be!!

I watched as he taxi'd back to runway 29, did a short run up, then was airborne! Anthony's first solo flight went great! For a Saturday morning in December I was surprised he did not consistently have others in the traffic pattern with him. From my perspective he made what looked to be a great landing!

After completing 2 more circuits he met me back at the club hangar, we took pictures and, of course, cut his blue "Student Builder" shirt tail.

As I mentioned, Anthony Medina is the 6th student from the CHS Aviation Club that has completed their First Solo Flight in the RV-12 they helped build. I'm thankful to have worked with each of them, and am looking forward to continuing to Anthony and others attain their private pilot license!
From Anthony

My instructor, John Putra, and I planned for my solo weeks before, however winds were never in my favor. Once I arrived to our airport I felt ready to fly, whether or not I was going to solo. It was a clear day with a lot of other aircraft in the pattern. We went up and practiced my landings on runway 29. Everything was going in motion. After a couple of take offs and landings John decided it was time for me to solo. Winds checked out, but there was also a small 4kt crosswind coming from 220; which was nothing big for me. I remember my instructor pulling out his Canon camera and recording me while I was going through my start-up checklist. At that very moment it kicked in, the realization that I'm flying an aircraft by myself! I then preceded to taxi to the ramp and then continued my checklist. Once everything was all set and checked I did everything by the book. I didn't think about anything else other than what I was taught.

As far as building a plane... it is freaking awesome! Although I did not build Falcon 1 (our flight instruction plane), building Falcon 2 lets me understand the whole concept and design of the Van's RV-12. It is such a beautiful aircraft

I'd just like to say thank you to not only the mentors and parents who run Eagle's Nest, but also to Mr. Senft. He spends many many hours on maintaining our plane and figuring out the fiscal aspects of our club. His work is definitely making an impact for the future of aviation.
My Thoughts

On Saturday, December 2nd, it was a beautiful unusually warm day in Burlington Wisconsin perfect weather for another Eagle?s Nest student to solo. That is exactly what Junior Anthony Medina of Central High School accomplished that day. Anthony is an outstanding student both in the plane and in the classroom. He is always the first person to volunteer to help maintain the aircraft in a cold unheated hanger. Anthony plans peruse a career in aviation. Anthony is truly thankful for the Eagle?s Nest program and allowing students like himself an opportunity to get involved in aviation.

Funny side sorry. (I hope his Mom doesn?t get mad) His Mom thought ?Solo? was that he was in sole control of the aircraft and the flight instructor was still in the airplane. It was not until after he soloed that Anthony explained to his Mom that he was in the aircraft by himself.


Thanks to everyone that support all the Eagle's Nest Programs
And thank you for sharing all that. You have no idea how proud this old (I just turned 80) pilot is to hear such a story.
Congratulations on an outstanding achievement!!
Congrats Anthony

From one Kenosha pilot to another, congratulations Anthony! Welcome to the club!
Quit an inspiration. Would love to know more about how more of us can give back to the community, youth and the sport we all love. Congrats.
Great job Anthony, we are all excited about your accomplishment and knowing that this is just the beginning for you and your flying future.