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What makes for an exciting week in the life of two teenage girls?
-Jim Senft, Program Director - Eagle?s Nest Projects Central High School (WI) June-2016

How about graduating high school with honors and distinctions and completing your First Solo flight in an airplane you helped build. That?s exactly what Olivia Rasmussen and Nicole Jackson did last week at Central High School-District of Westosha. Nicole completed her ?first solo? flight on Monday, June 13th, and two days later on Wednesday the 15th, Olivia completed her 'first solo' flight.



The rest of the story...

-John Putra, CFII
?Both Olivia and Nicole have done a tremendous job in achieving their first solo flight! The weather conditions for both solo flights were sunny skies, temperature in the mid-80s, and light and variable winds. For the dual portion of this lesson, we ran through traffic pattern emergencies, making proper corrections for high and low approaches, bounces, and Balked Landing Procedures. After a grueling hour and a half and at 8 times around the pattern, I declared them ready, parked the plane, signed their log books, and sent them off for that first half hour of PIC time! They both did three takeoffs and landings that would make any flight instructor proud. They were a pleasure to fly with, they always came prepared to their lessons with all assigned reading and homework complete, and because they helped build the airplane they were able to articulate in areas the average student pilot would likely stumble. I?m looking forward to helping them complete the remainder of their training and being there when they earn their Private Pilot license!?

?The Eagle?s Nest program has provided me with a unique experience in which I have worked to build meaningful relationships in addition to forging an array of unique skills. Throughout the build of ?Falcon One?, I was exposed to real life engineering applications that further inspired me to pursue a degree in engineering. I was also introduced, quite unforgettably, to the world of aviation as I never would have imagined before, both through the build and in training for my license. Eagle's Nest Projects has truly given me the opportunity to take part in a sincerely memorable experience that has helped prepare me for college and my future in so many ways.?
Olivia is currently enrolled at the University of Wisconsin Madison; Mechanical Engineering.

?Eagle?s Nest Projects has helped me peruse my private pilot license and choose my degree. Building "Falcon One" gave me more background on the physics of flight so when I started flying it was easier to understand how flight works. The experience I received from Eagle's Nest Projects helped me decide that I would like to work with the design of airplanes and become an aerospace engineer. My first solo flight was an incredible experience. It really is one of those things where you just smile and think that that really just happened!?
Nicole is currently enrolled at MSOE, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Aerospace and Electrical Engineering.

-Jim Senft, Program Director - Eagle?s Nest Projects Central High School
The partnership between Central High School's STEM Aviation Program and Eagle?s Nest Projects has provided our students an exciting and truly unique education experience and a venue for further developing knowledge and skills in the areas of STEM. The Eagle?s Nest program emphasizes the importance of setting goals, planning, teamwork, and respect as students work ?hands-on? on complex processes and problems in the same way accomplished scientists and engineers perform their jobs. The program also motivates, empowers, and encourages students with technical abilities to pursue STEM careers. The combination of teamwork, the challenge of learning so many skills, and accomplishing something as unique and outstanding as building a flying aircraft really instills something that's incalculable and invaluable to the students. Eagle?s Nest Projects is a life-changing program.

[Aside: Please take a moment here to congratulate these outstanding young ladies on their accomplishment. I'm sure any words of encouragement would also be appreciated and I'm guessing will take a permanent place in their scrapbook of life. /reb]
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Outstanding job and Congrats to both Olivia and Nicole. Here in Granbury we will be starting another Eagles Nest project at Granbury High school this fall. All the Eagles Nest Projects around the country continue to inspire all of us involved here in Granbury and we cant wait to get started.

Thanks to people like Ernie and the Mentors involved, the future of Aviation with our youth is in very good hands.
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Olivia and Nicolle, what a proud moment this should be to you, your parents, and those who mentored you. Congratulations. It is a select group of people in the world that are able to go from a two dimensional to three dimensional world and then back. Especially at your young age. Add to that you built the plane you flew - you are truly in a very select group.

Im sure you both will do great in the future.
I just think this is so wonderful, and am dismayed that our attempts to get such a program started in the Rio Grande Valley have all met with a total lack of interest. I guess it falls back into the old saying "You cannot fix stupid".
Congratulations girls, I am proud of you!!
Congratulations to Olivia and Nicole! I am SO looking forward to some of the kids involved in Brighton Build-A-Plane to train in and fly their project. We started last August, and the airframe is almost complete, we'll be ordering the engine soon.

What an accomplishment. You ladies should be very proud. All the best in your studies in college.

Way to go!

As a retired airline pilot, I can say I am not surprised at your accomplishments! :)
However, it takes courage and conviction to reach the level you have reached.
(Women tend to pay great attention to detail and multitask with ease, so you two should go far in whatever endeavors you undertake!)
Best wishes for spectacular futures, ladies!
Congratulations well deserved ladies. Awesome.

And once again. Thank you Ernie and the other fine folks involved in this noble endeavor.

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Great job, Olivia and Nicole! :D

Twenty years ago when I too was a high-school girl in Wisconsin, nothing like Eagle's Nest existed. I would've jumped at such an awesome opportunity to explore aviation-- so I'm glad that you both went for it. As you now know, when you are up in that airplane by yourself for the first time, you realize that your fate is all up to YOU. Good luck with your engineering degrees & keep making the rest of us flying ladies proud!
Congrats ladies!!
What a great way to start my Friday reading such a great POSITIVE post. It put a smile on my face.

Way to go!!!
Congratulations to two determined young women aviators! Best of luck in your continued studies! You should be very proud of your accomplishments -- just keep pursing your dreams! Well done! :D

Michael O'Brien
Congratulations to both you young ladies!

I look forward to meeting you at the Eagle's Nest OSH booth!

Fellow VAFers, if your able please consider making a contribution to Eagle's Nest Projects to support future builds and youngsters.
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Congratulations! Great accomplishments, and kudos to those who helped provide these young women with this wonderful opportunity!
Life Experience

Life is but an endless chain of experience, and it is obvious you both have decided to make your experiences mean something and take you up a level in challenge and success!

This is one Canadian and fellow pilot, wishing you well and continued success in your endeavours.

Well done ladies!
Thank you for all the kind words everyone! It is very exciting with how well lucky we have been with good weather and great support!