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-Text msg received from Jim Senft, ENP Program Director at Central high school, Westosha, WI.
?Ernie, we?re having a problem keeping fuel in the tank of our RV-12, Falcon-1. It goes through the tank, through the fuel lines, into the carbs, into the cylinders, gets burned, and goes out the exhaust. I think the issue is we now have some nice weather and the kids are flying a lot? we now have 650 hours on Falcon-1!?

Followed by this?

April 24, 2018
Eagle's Nest Projects
Alex McGonegal?s 1st Supervised Solo

Senior at Westosha's Central high school and an outstanding ENP student-builder


"Central High School STEM Aviation program is celebrating another Solo. Senior Alex McGonegal has become our latest Eagle?s Nest student to solo. It was April 24th, a beautiful day in Burlington Wisconsin just before sunset. Winds were light, favoring runway 29. Alex and his flight instructor, Mr. Dan Lund, just finished his lessons for the day. Mr. Lund then gave Alex some last instructions before exiting the aircraft; ?Just fly the aircraft like you have been taught?, he said. Alex proceeded to runway 29, run-up checklist complete, traffic call over the radio, taxied to 29 for takeoff. Alex completed three nice landing before taking back to Eagle?s nest hanger to have his shirt cut. Alex plans to complete this private pilot license this summer before heading to Michigan Technological University this fall to study Chemical Engineering. Congratulation to Alex and is flight instructor Dan Lund." -Jim Senft

Stay tuned for more from Alex and Dan?

Keep burning that avgas, Alex!! We're all very proud of your accomplishment and commitment to your future. Keep up the great work and Jim will find a way to keep your tank full! /reb
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-received from Alex McGonegal and posted here at his request /reb

To my VAF friends and supporters,

I have done many things at Central High School. I have made friends, learned about the world around us and furthered my education. I have even had the chance to help build, not one, but two Eagle's Nest RV-12s. There are few things that can both exhilarate and intimidate a person, but my first solo did just that. Going up in Falcon 1 by myself was one the best things I have done during high school. My flight instructor is not only an awesome flight instructor but all around great person. He has taught me how to operate an aircraft safely and gave me the confidence to fly Falcon 1 solo. He is fun to fly with and very insightful. With his guidance, I plan to continue flying through the summer and my goal is to obtain my Private Pilot License before I leave for college in the Fall.

Thank you for your support!


Alex McGonegal
Senior, Central High School - Westosha, WI
ENP Student-Builder
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