
Eagle's Nest 4 has started! We got off to a slow start but we're not in a race so that's ok. The students at Emerald Ridge High School in Puyallup, WA had their first meeting this past Monday. We meet Mondays and Saturdays for about 3 hours each day. There are 12 eager students and 4 mentors (officially) on the project. I doubt we'll keep pace with EN3 (wow!) but we are excited to finally be building. The students are all members of the schools aviation program and after school aviation club.

If you're in the local area and want to drop in during one of our session feel free to shoot me an e-mail (darrin at boxbar dot net).

I would like to give a special shout to Ernie Butcher and Bob Kelly (regulars here). Their coordination and support to get this off the ground has been instrumental. Thank you both!

Let the fun begin!

Darrin, congratulations to you and to your students and mentors!

You e got quite an exciting adventure ahead!
Great to hear this news! As a former/ current EN builder I can say you will love every minute.
Visit to Eagles Nest 4

I flew my 12 in to visit the Eagles Nest 4 project at this mornings Saturday work session. The project is being built at Thun Field with the cooperation of EAA Chapter 326 members.

The empennage is completed and two teams of students were working on the wings:

I observed critical thinking, work ethic, teamwork, and workmanship. All very good things. What a great program.

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Thanks for visiting us. We are having a BBQ at my hangar for all the parents and siblings following the build session this coming Saturday. Feel free to drop by and eat a burger.