Special Delivery

Well Known Member
Today was a special day at Eagle's Nest-3 (Houston/NASA)

2nd Period class - In unison and with harmony prevailing, one group prepared the baggage bulkhead while another match drilled the roll bar assembly, deburred it, and riveted it in place. With 15 minutes left before the bell, the two groups teamed together and completed the final install of the baggage bulkhead leaving the center section ready for the 7th period class to attach the tailcone.

7th Period Class - Through the magic of modern technology, the 7th period students knew before they reached class that TODAY was the day the tailcone was going to be attached and that THEY were going to do it. Needless to say, they were pumped when they arrived. It took a bit to calm their excitement and gain some focus on the task at hand, but after a 5-min briefing on the procedure, they broke themselves into teams to handle assigned tasks. In less than 15 minutes the tailcone was successfully clecoed in place! The balance of the period was used to enjoy the accomplishment, take pride in a job well done, and to provide an opportunity for everyone to take a seat and make airplane noises. It was a GREAT day at Eagle's Nest-Clear Springs High School.

Aside: Just minutes before class was to begin and with the center section on the table being used to mate the tailcone, the mentors got a little creative and temporarily attached the gear legs. With the tailcone successfully attached and everyone admiring their work, the mentors took COOL to a new level when they asked the students remove the table and lower the completed fuselage to the floor. No, it's not in the plans... but it should be!


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Outstanding achievement for the Eagles Nest Students, mentors (and all the unsung founders, sponsors, and contributors) !
And to think it all started with a little yellow airplane .... great job Ernie!

Nice job. I was planning to build 2 foot saw horses when I am ready to mate the fuselage and enpenage. Looks like the gear is about the right height. I'm going to give this method a try. Thanks for the pictures and again nice job. Keep the good work going.
Fabulous! Congratulations to the students and mentors....and especially Ernie for seeing that this project became a reality.