Anyone got recent experience running an Eagle EMS? I have one and have some questions. Thanks, Tom 612-280-0532
I've been flying with the EagleEMS system in my RV-9A since Nov 2011 and I really like it. Startup is a snap whether hot or cold. I have a O2 sensor and monitor just to keep tabs on it and it always maintains best power unless I use the lean pot to further lean for cruise.

This is a wonderful product and its too bad the Precision has done such a poor marketing/advertising campaign for it.
Eagle EMS

Yes, the Eagle EMS runs great. I have about 115 hours on mine, and loving how great it runs. I get in and start up, and it just runs. I fly in and out of high elevation airports much of the time, and the automated leaning works like a charm. I only touch the electronic leaning when flying distances at cruise. In that case, my IO-320 is running around 2,400 RPM, 6.5 gph. and averages about 140knot true. I can go faster, but I like running with the lower gph.

My initial start up was a bit of a challenge. I had a couple of things that had to be worked through before the first flight. The support staff at Precision was helpful, and we tweaked the items that needed to be addressed. Since my first flight, I have only had a great running engine. Love mine, and would not hesitate to buy one again.
How long does the O2 sensor last with 100LL fuel? What kind of sensor is it?

My first sensor lasted nearly 100 hrs. Because the EagleEMS is automatically leaning, the sensor is lasting much longer than I expected and worth the cost to replace it when the times comes.