
Well Known Member
Attended EAA's Test Flying Your Project course this weekend at Oshkosh.
One day course...very well done with lots of great info.
Joe Norris, EAA's fulltime Homebuilders Community Manager, taught the course. Lots of nuggets and common sense info. Worth the time and effort to take the course. (Unlike other some other courses-this one is free to EAA members.)
Mark Wyss
RV4 finishing
Thanks for the kind word, and thanks for attending the workshop. I enjoyed having you in the class. I'm also happy that you're spreading the word to the homebuilt community. I encourage all builders who are nearing completion of their project to attend the course.
Thanks, Joe!

I also attended this weekend's course. Joe did a very nice job presenting the material. I was impressed that there were thirty-five attendees. I highly recommend this course!

Don't forget to make use of your Tech Counselors and Flight Advisors also. The Flight Advisors also have access to much of the material that Joe presented. Go to and look in the Members Only section for TC's and FA's near you.
Joe: Like Tony I'd appreciate knowing the schedule for upcoming courses. Is there a course syllabus? Bill
You can check course schedule at the SportAir Workshop web site:

Typically we only do the course one time a year here in Oshkosh, in January. We hold the course at other locations throughout the year.

There is no syllabus available for the course. It's just a PowerPoint presentation and a lot of discussion.

Thanks again for all who have attended. Hope to see more of you at the course in the future.