
Well Known Member
Hi All: I want to let everyone in No.Cal know about EAA1541's second annual Poker Run on September 12, starting at Lincoln Airport, Ca. Last year's entrants had a blast. So, join the fun. Go to, look in documents for more info. Thanks, Bruce Estes, 650 504-4464
Unfortunately, no, because I'm running the event. I just flew my new to me RV6 for my first time with an instructor for my required insurance checkout ( last landing for todayabout an hour ago). And yes, I've got that silly RV Grin all over my face. Lots of fun with a lot of airplane. Bruce
Need an excuse?

If you are on the fence about participating in EAA 1541's Poker Run at Lincoln, Ca., this Saturday, September 12, our 100 LL fuel price as of this morning is $3.99! Go to, look in events, for more info, or call me at 650 504-4464 Bruce Estes