
I'm New Here
Hello All,

Can anyone recommend an EAA Tech Counselor familiar with RV building in the San Diego County or Orange County CA area? I've checked with the local chapters, but no luck...furthermore, the EAA website doesn't distinguish the counselors by kit-type.

While we're on the subject - Does an EAA tech counselor add any value or advantage over someone simply familar with RV building that does NOT have the EAA designation? I certainly don't mean to alienate any of the tech counselors out there - I'm just curious if the EAA designation carries some advantage.

The bottom line is simply this...I'm getting ready to close my wings in a few weeks, and would love to have someone with more building experience than I cast a hairy eyeball over the work.

Thanks in advance for any and all replies!


Hanno W.
RV7a - Wings
There was a time when the TC visits granted you an insurance break. Maybe again, someday. Otherwise, an A&P might be as much or more valuable though the TC will have more knowledge regarding the certification process and is less likely to want to do everything the FAA way. I found input from fellow pilots who were A&Ps (in some cases IAs) invaluable when I ran into problems but I sometimes had to remind them that 'Experimental' allowed me to do some things that they could not do with a spam can.

My advice specifically for your project: get as many people looking at it as possible - other builders, TCs, A&Ps, even non-RV pilot/owners. When somebody asks, "Why is this ... ?" or similar you will either find something you hadn't noticed or review something you had already decided on. Even the review is not a complete waste of time; other people often know a trick or two you may not have thought of. My plane is flying, I'm a TC, and I'm still getting good feedback on my project and changing things here and there.

Someone once said, "The trick is to keep your mind open enough to let ideas in but not so open you can't keep any ideas...";)
From the EAA TC list, here are EAA TCs that I know with RV experience in your area.

John S. Shablow-Temecula, CA (Also DAR)
Wheeler O. North-Carlsbad, CA

I would offer to fly down for a TC visit but my present work schedule at my full time job and back log of local work does not permit this offer.

Both of the above are knowledgeable on RVs and I would recommend them.
The four TC inspections are no longer required to get insurance starting with your first flight?

EAA insurance offers first flight coverage without having to do the TC inspections. Engine/prop combinations are a determining factor as are transition type training and total hours.