

I was wondering if any has attended the EAA SportAir RV Assembly class? There is one not too far from me and I was considering attending.


If I were you I would jump right on that one. Every little bit you can learn will be of great value if you are building an RV. JMO.. :)
You will enjoy it a lot and will learn many construction techniques necessary to build your plane. Have fun!!

That was the only class I took prior to start building my RV. It was well worth it to me. I am thinking about taking the electrical systems class. One will be offered soon in SoCal.
Sportair RV Workshop After Action Report

Greetings everyone,
I'm a longtime lurker who recently became a poster. First thanks to Doug and everyone here for VAF. This has been a great source of knowledge and inspiration for me as I evaluate the idea of taking on a project of this magnitude. Today I took a step toward the goal by completing the EAA Sportair RV assembly workshop held at Frederick, MD. Prior to this weekend I had never touched a cleco or a rivet gun. For someone starting out with a similar level of exposure I highly recommend the Sportair workshop as a first step. In addition to the hands on work, one of the local chapter members gave me my first RV ride in the back of his RV-4. What a rush! The problem is that now I'm torn between building and buying a flying RV. In any case I had a blast spending a fantastic weekend with a great bunch of people.


Wondering if I'm getting a picture with the iphone...

Here we go...

The RV Grin:


RV8 Preview Plans
I was at the class with Chad (some how I missed out on the plane ride??) and it was great. It was a real confidence builder and was great to have the help of Jack and some of the local EAA guys there to help out. Now I have to get the wife on board so I can start my RV-10.

RV-10 Convince wife stage
I signed up and was suppose to be there, but unfortunately a work emergency came up Friday and I couldn't make it. I hope to get to the next one (I see one is scheduled in November in MA which isn't too far from me either).

Sounds like it was a great time, sorry I didn't make it.

Hi Joe

Tomorrow i e on Monday afternoon I have a gentleman coming to see my project. I am in Bayonne, NJ and have a 9 in advanced stage of building. Come if you like. I build my empennage in Brooklyn in 2006 and could not find anybody with a project to look at so I understand you. Let me know if you would like to see my RV and I give you address.
I was also at the Frederick class this past weekend. It was definitely worth the time and money to attend. I missed the sign up for RV-4 rides as well...

Electrical Class is Terrific

That was the only class I took prior to start building my RV. It was well worth it to me. I am thinking about taking the electrical systems class. One will be offered soon in SoCal.

Took the electrical class this summer in Frederick, MD. Well worth it IMHO. The EAA Instructors are really special people dedicated to helping you with their knowledge. And the EAA chapter there was great also. Gave us a cookout on Sat night at the airport, and a local builder had his 8 for all to see. Electrical instruction, great folks and builders, airport and planes, cookout..........what more is there in life! (besides my great wife and riveting partner)
I've taken the sportair class, and i think it takes to long and is overpriced. If you are anywhere near the west coast, look at wally's synergy air classes- does the same amount of training or more in one day, much smaller classes, cheaper price. And you don't have to get overnight accomodations if you are from out of town.

also close to Vans.