Attached is a link to the New EAA Podcast with Richard VanGrunsven (The Founder Of Vans Aircraft)

Spoiler Alert: Here are some notable takeaways from the Podcast.

Vans Aircraft has 65 employees.
Roughly 9600 kits have made it into the air.
2600 of those kits are RV6/RV6A
1500 are RV7/7A
The RV2 was a mothballed glider project.

I apologize in advance if I accidentally misquoted anything.

A good friend and Mike about to transition train in the most flown RV6 in the world. KHIO N666RV

I got my transition training, for my 7A, with Mike Seager back in 2004 in N666RV. Back then we flew out of Vernonia at the little grass field Mike managed. Interesting approach around a curve into the field. We did most of the training at nearby paved airports. Best training I ever received and Mike prepared me well to test pilot my 7A a month later.

What a great story. Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate the link. I didn't know that Dick came from an aviation family that bought an airplane (Piper J5, I believe) for $750. He was in the Air Force but not a pilot. He has been in the EAA since the late 1950's, and he started with home-builts around 1962. What a huge impact he has had since then!