I like

That is cool. I like that blind rivet trick under the sheet metal videos. Can't wait to see them post more. That is a great way to get folks to see what building is like for neebie's and keep the veterans engaged by learning cool tips. Kudos to EAA!:cool:
That is cool. I like that blind rivet trick under the sheet metal videos. Can't wait to see them post more. That is a great way to get folks to see what building is like for neebie's and keep the veterans engaged by learning cool tips. Kudos to EAA!:cool:

I assume the EAA is going to make the videos and control what is put on there. Some of the talented builder ( there are many!) here may want to contact EAA and see if they could contribute videos / ideas for productions. This would be an exceptional resourse for the new builder, and experienced builders looking for a new way.

I agree Kudos EAA!