Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
Maybe I'm living in a different dimension than everyone else but I don't think so. I flew in the AirVenture Cup Race from Dayton to Oshkosh this year along with around 50 other competitors and it was a great adventure. I have flown in several others beginning with Aircraft Spruce's Great Cross Country Air Race from Denver to Oshkosh in 1996. Every one of them has been a thrill and I keep trying to win - I never come close of course but the intensity and will to win are there always. People say "the comaradrie is great" and it is but a lot of it is because everyone wants to win (badly) but they believe in safety and good sportsmanship. At Dayton this year on the evening before the race we all went to the Dayton Engineering Club for dinner and a prerace briefing. My wife and I sat at a table with Keith Phillips (Swearingen SX-300), Sam Hoskins (Q-200), John Shaw (RV-8) and several race support people. The conversation was very friendly and aviation focused as you might imagine but when the racers were launched Sunday morning evey pilot was focused on making the swiftest transition from Dayton to Oshkosh via two turn points in Illinois. There was special parking at Oshkosh near the tower, a post race banquet (mostly brats, and other airshow type food), an award ceremony and a group get together of all racers at a local fish restaurant but head and shoulders above everything was the participation in the race itself. I can't come up with the perfect words to describe the feeling but "a band of brothers and sisters" might convey the emotion and mutual respect that prevailed in that event.

Well I ordered the official EAA Video of AirVenture Oshkosh 2005 and I was very surprised to find that there was no coverage of the race at all - not even a mention. So I went to the EAA web site and used the "Contact Us" e-mail access to find out why. I copied the response below so that you would be aware of the EAA HQ view of the race. If you have any interest in preserving this race for your own participation it would be a good idea I think, to let them know about your interest.

Bob Axsom

Dear Mr. Axsom:

Thank you for your question. There are two reasons that there was no AirVenture Cup Race coverage in this year's video.

First, we try to even out the time we relegate to each event during AirVenture, and each year try to give extra time to two or three divisions or events. Some years Homebuilts get more coverage than Ultralights, sometimes we give areas such as KidVenture a larger feature. Sometimes, when we cover something for several years in a row, we "give it a rest" for a year, to give time to something else.

Secondly, and more importantly, the AirVenture Cup is very difficult for us to cover from a video standpoint. We don't have the resources (time, money, or volunteers) to send crews to the start of the race, and to shoot footage of the planes en route, and install point-of-view cameras in the aircraft. For every year except the first, we have covered only the finish of the race, and frankly, we've wondered if people have been frustrated that they are only getting the climax of the story, and not the entire story. If we get enough responses such as yours, we will probably cover it more thoroughly next year. In any case, we will probably at least give it a paragraph or two in the future.

I hope that answered your question.

--Robb McAllister
-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Knapinski
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:48 AM
To: Robb McAllister
Subject: FW: AirVenture General Information

-----Original Message-----
To: Convention
Subject: AirVenture General Information

I just viewed my copy of the EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2005 DVD. Zero coverage of the AirVenture Cup Race - why is that?

Bob Axsom EAA 370326
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Air race coverage

Perhaps if you contacted them before the next race, they would be able to lend you or some other people involved some cameras to take a bit of video. Also, perhaps they will accept footage you provide with your camera.

I agree that it would be cool to have this event covered more. I enjoyed looking at the planes and talking to the racers at OSH.
I think in HQ they really believe no one is interested

I am just a competitor but I believe from the response I received and the evidence I have seen that EAA Headquarters really believes there is no interest beyond a few (out of more the 150,000 members) racers. Eric Whyte who is a EAA Chapter President (not an EAA employee) and his staff of volunteers seem to be the the people that make this race happen each year. In 2005 it was originally not going to be held by EAA decision and then Eric was told that the race is back on, go make it happen. He and his staff struggled in a compressed time window to put it together. There were some rough edges getting there but the event was first class. They put together a web site and included a video made during the race from one of the planes flying the course during the race. They waited for the EAA to approve the site until just a few weeks ago but it was never approved. The contents are so good that they finally put up a disclaimer of EAA involvement or approval and opened it for public access anyway. Like I said, I am just a racer but I know the video was made and it was given to the EAA HQ to approve. I believe they do not want the risk exposure for what they believe is not of significant interest. The video does reflect the racer's view while flying the course by the way and it is worth seeing.

Bob Axsom
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New website for AirVenture 2006

The AirVenture 2006 website does not include the AirVenture Cup race. I have sent e-mail questions to convention HQ and the race director tonight to get the story. Does anyone know more than I do about the situation (it wouldn't have to be much to satisfy that requirement)? If so, please tell all.

Bob Axsom
AirVenture Cup & EAA


I have flown in the race four times now and have made many friends as a result. It is great fun and I encourage all to join in, even Jon Ross who ended up beating me last year!

The race has been under the threat of cancellation for several years and we need to help ourselves to keep it going. I have talked with Homebuilt Council member Joe Gauthier. They would like to see us promote it by writing some articles for the magazine focusing on what we do to our planes to make them faster. Technical but general interest is what they are looking for.

I have written a number of personal accounts of the race for our chapter newsletter which HQ gets a copy of. Paul P. even wrote a letter to our newsletter editor complimenting the content which included one of my articles. Unfortunatly, the article did not go any further.

As for video, we all need to work closer with Frank Pulano. Frank has put together short, very professional video clips the past few years. He needs help though. If you have a video camera, bring it and shoot lots of footage. Turn it over to Frank and he will work his magic! Lack of footage is his biggest problem. We could also forward the raw footage to the EAA to use in the official video.
Check out to see what Frank has done for us and give give him a call to see how to help out in 2006.

Scott A. Jordan
N733JJ / Race 56
The explanation offered by EAA doesn't surprise me. I've bought a few of the official videos and it always disappoints me that the writers/videographers never do much about Camp Scholler, where a good deal of the AirVenture activity takes place. Or, if they do anything from Camp Scholler, it's usually within spittin' distance of the big red barn.

And can I just say for the record that I'm sick to death of the fawning over KidVenture.

Sometimes it feels like EAA is owned by Kindercare.

There. That feels better.
Good information - I agree with it all

I check out the website quite often and I have been interacting with with the EAA, Eric Whyte and Frank Pulano via e-mail and I wrote up this year's race from my perspective in my Chapter Newsletter as well. My video camera failed and JVC refused to repair it before I left California. This is my second of these CCD devices to fail after a few years of use (Sony last time) and they just want you to throw it away and buy another $1,000 to $1,500 camera each time - I just can't justify it... ah well that's another story. If there is another AirVenture Cup I will sure fly in it and I would consider buying another camera just to help out. The few article I have seen written up about the race don't quite capture the feeling and intensity of participating in the event. The prerace activities at Dayton are very special in my opinion - that is the time that the comaraderie is at its peak and the anticipation is high. The race itself is of course the peak of adventure. Oshkosh itself is pretty much like the game is over. At least that is the way I see it.

I'm seeing some good writeups on Reno lately and I sent a letter to Marc Cook at Kitplanes yesterday suggesting similar coverage of AirVenture Cup with a focus on the activities at Dayton and the three critical check points after takeoff. I'm thinking and exercising every practical idea that comes up to make it happen one more time. I am sure Eric, Frank and you are doing that as well. With some luck we will do it one more time. I plan to make some drag reduction changes this year and down stream a ways I'm thinking about the big buck changes in engine and prop. However, the big deal is participating in the race and giving your all to win ever if there is no chance of that happening.

Bob Axsom
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I am primarily a still (film) guy and I do not own a video camera but I intend to beg, borrow or steal one for the race next year. I do have a little experience with TV filming. My view is that video cameras should be licenced like guns! Video cameras have made poor movies easy, no more screens and 8mm projectors to put up with to torture your friends and family!

Since I have moved down on the winners podium and don't have the money to make any serious changes, my goal is to help Frank capture as much on tape as possible. This will mean intentionaly sacrificing spots to get some air action as Frank does. This past race, Jon Ross and Jon Huff were side by side as they passed me at Sterling. They took me on the outside of the turn and I then dove down and got right on thier tails. Would have made great video, I curse myself everytime I think about it! For EAA, a few short interviews about the race might also help.

2005 RV Entries - repeats & new tries

Below are the RV entries in the 2005 Race. I saw Roberta Hegy in Oshkosh and she said she would like to fly in the AirVenture Cup Race in the future. . The RV class is already the largest and it is split into two parts - basically 360s and 320s.

17 Larry & Jim Klusmier RV-6A
18 John Huff RV-8
27 Jon Ross RV-8
34 Chris Murphy RV-4
48 Dave Weisgerber RV-6
53 Scott & Tom Gesele RV-6A
56 Scott Jordan & Ken Publicouver RV-8
61 Steven Campbell RV-6
63 Bob Vasey RV-3
69 Debbie & Bill Scanlan RV-7A
71 Bob & Jeanine Axsom RV-6A
72 Bobbie Bourcher RV-4
74 Scott Spencer RV-4
81 John Shaw RV-8
82 Patric Driscoll RV-8
98 Michael & Diane Kelly RV-8

That is 16 entries compared to 12 that flew in the 2004 race. With 4,400 RVs flying we should be able to increase the number of entries quite a bit and I think that would influence the EAA HQ people. I wonder how many would repeat in 2006 and how many new RV people would be interested in giving it a try

Bob Axsom
Apparently No Sun 100 Race either

I asked Aircraft Spruce if they were going to sponsor any races this year on one of the service evaluation reply cards. I received a call from them a few days ago and I was told that they are not. I believe that says the Sun 100 race at Sun 'n' Fun is a dead issue. Things are not looking good racers.

Bob Axsom
Thank you Scott

N733JJ said:
Since I have moved down on the winners podium and don't have the money to make any serious changes, my goal is to help Frank capture as much on tape as possible. This will mean intentionaly sacrificing spots to get some air action as Frank does.

That is double good news! I'll stay low this time and be more competitive. I got a response from Eric Whyte and he says as far as he knows the race for 2006 is on. I never got a response to that direct question from EAA Convention on the EAA website. I'm proceeding as if the race is a "go" for 2006.

Bob Axsom