
Well Known Member
I don't know if it is appropriate to publish newsletter links on VAF but since my RV-7A construction project is featured on the front page here it is

What do you think about adding a newsletter forum where links could be posted. I would enjoy browsing other chapter's newsletters.
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't publish a Chapter's newsletter without their permission. Since you aircraft is featured, it's probably not a problem but most Chapters publish their newsletters for their members. If every Chapter published their newsletter freely, there would be less incentive to join. If no one joined, there would be no Chapter, therefore no newsletters.
Our Chapter 168 offers the newsletter publicly after it is 2 months old.
Mel, President EAA Chapter 168
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Mel, I will gently suggest that the rules are a little different regarding online content. If a newsletter is posted publicly, a link to it is entirely ethical and legal, without the permission of the creator. After all, Google can find whatever content is in that newsletter in a jiffy.
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't publish a Chapter's newsletter without their permission. Since you aircraft is featured, it's probably not a problem but most Chapters publish their newsletters for their members. If every Chapter published their newsletter freely, there would be less incentive to join. If no one joined, there would be no Chapter, therefore no newsletters.
Our Chapter 168 offers the newsletter publicly after it is 2 months old.
Mel, President EAA Chapter 168
Our Chapter had this discussion a little over a year ago. We made the commitment to quit publishing a hard copy newsletter and mailing it to each member every month. We now do the newsletters as PDF documents and e-mail them to everyone on our distribution e-mail list and as soon as it is published a link to it goes on our web site. We currently have the previous three years of newsletters on the web site. The overwhelming opinion is that the web site and newsletters are as much an advertising tool to get new members as they are a member benefit.

Maybe my original idea wasn't a very good one. I am my chapters webmaster and host the web site on my servers so I wasn't too out of line publishing the link to the newsletter. We have gotten new members through our web site so it does seem to be working that way. It was just a thought. If anyone is interested we are at
Maybe so if it is posted publicly...

Mel, I will gently suggest that the rules are a little different regarding online content. If a newsletter is posted publicly, a link to it is entirely ethical and legal, without the permission of the creator. After all, Google can find whatever content is in that newsletter in a jiffy.
Our newsletter is not posted publicly until it is 2 months old.
I try to read as many chapter newsletters as I can in a week so i can pick the best stuff and put some of it in the RV Builder's Hotline.

so if any chapter newsletter editors (or EAA chapter members) want to send me notes when they're available online, I'd love to have them.

One thing about EAA chapters: if your chapter Web site hasn't been updated in -- say -- years... take it down. It's quite amazing how many chapter Web sites I visit and the message it sends is "go away, we don't do anything anymore," and I'm not sure that's a message potential members or your local community wants to hear.
Chapter Newsletters

EAA Chapter 22 also no longer publishes a hard copy of our newsletter. It is posted on line at on a monthly basis. Our dues is for membership only, we save the cost of postage and printing by having an electronic version only.

Wally Hunt
EAA Chapter 22
Rockford, IL
RV-4 Finishing Kit