I've heard of E85, but what is E95? A Typo? Or are you thinking E-15? Let's make farmers happy and petroleum happy too, and make it UP TO E-12.5. I bought an Ethanol tester kit a couple of weeks back, a little Briggs and Stratton sample tube with markings on it. Come to find out the past 3 different samples I've run, Mobil, 76 Unocal and Arco all test out at 5 to 6% ethanol blends, not E-10. This is in the San Fernando Valley marketplace of the city of Los Angeles.
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I don't think it has made its way to any of the standard reference documentation yet, but Rotax has officially said that E15 mogas is ok.

In Brazil they have been operating 912's with 25% (and higher) ethanol for many years with no problems.
That was the UL and ULS engine.
Jim please edit the title of this thread. Otherwise members in the future won't be able to find it.


E95 is a typo. I tried to change thread title and no/go. Perhaps a moderator will read this post and change title to read E15 in 2020.

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Ethanol in auto gas

I would avoid using auto gas that has any ethanol even though it is approved. Ethanol absorbs water, not a good thing. There has been a great three part article in the last three EAA Sport Aviation magazines about Auto gas vs 100LL. Very interesting and enlightening. The authors final conclusion - if you fly regularly use auto gas, if not, use 100LL. Hopefully, (insert - don't hold your breath for anything very quick) an alternative no-lead fuel will be available in the not too distant future.
I would avoid using auto gas that has any ethanol even though it is approved. Ethanol absorbs water, not a good thing. There has been a great three part article in the last three EAA Sport Aviation magazines about Auto gas vs 100LL. Very interesting and enlightening. The authors final conclusion - if you fly regularly use auto gas, if not, use 100LL. Hopefully, (insert - don't hold your breath for anything very quick) an alternative no-lead fuel will be available in the not too distant future.

N836BL usually tries to run 50/50 blend, it varies from fill up to fill up, but one thing consistent is a max of 10 to 12 gallons mogas gets added to fuel tank immediately before flying, and usually that amount or a bit more gets used or burned off, then topped off with 100LL, then a 20 minute flight back, with 18 gals or a bit more being mostly 50 to 85% 100LL in the carb bowls. Want to try to keep those floats in the bowls good, by keeping them soaking in as little Mogas as possible.

Usually fly 1x per week, with winter and wind and rain coming upon us, probably be running much more 100LL % wise in fuel tank and less mogas, as flying might be less frequent, based on the weather.

So CA is a pretty low humidity portion of the state, we have never seen water in the fuel samples, either 100LL or e-10. Decalin always added with 100LL fillups. About 181 hrs now on the Hobbs, it's been a good flying year, started out with 121.
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Has anybody seen the inside of a Rotax that burned 100 LL with Decalin close to 100% of the time and had the oil changed at the recommended shorter intervals? How bad were the lead deposits?