erich weaver

Well Known Member
Here is what the folks at e-mag air sent to me via e-mail. I assume the SB is or will be posted on their web site:

E-MAG Customers:

We've studied reports where ignitions appear to have lost their timing reference. Given the number of ignitions now in service, the rate of occurrence is low. Even so, it?s a serious issue that we continue to monitor closely.
The attached Bulletin identifies two (unrelated) potential causes. One is mechanical in nature, for which a simple inspection can be done. The other is firmware related, for which a field remedy is at hand for most ignitions. Accordingly, we don't anticipate many units will require return to our shop as a result of this Bulletin.
We believe the firmware issue has been the root cause of most, if not all, of the program timing anomalies reported. While the sampling is small, there is significant correlation between the patterns reported and our lab simulations.
We?ve also made progress on a separate project that will provide a simple means of monitoring the ignition's timing reference in real-time.
Last year, customers started asking for a simple dash indicator that would alert them to certain ignition states.
For example:
Many report the engine runs so well on one E-MAG, they wouldn't notice if the other one went off-line (dual E-MAG installation).
Similarly, if a P-model ignition were to loose aircraft power it will automatically switch to internal power. The operator may not know that something has changed and needs attention. This has already happened to one customer ? see HYPERLINK

Accordingly, we've devised a simple remote status light that will provide this information, and much more. The status light will use a single two color LED mounted on the dash to:
Signal deviations in timing (tach output variations greater than 5 degrees) between two E-MAGs. This will verify the ignition?s timing references are in sync (i.e. the topic of the attached Service Bulletin).
Signal the loss of tach (and presumably all operation) from either ignition - left and right each having a unique identification.
Signal the loss of 12 volt power or ground.
The status light will also help troubleshoot tach installations, as it can provide a secondary means of verifying the ignition is (or is not) producing a tach signal.

The status light is a simple and inexpensive stand-alone device that connects to the tach output of both ignitions, and the power/ground of one ignition. It will work with any E-MAG ignition regardless of the model.
So while we believe we've resolved the timing reference issue, the status light will offer a simple means of verification. We will elaborate more on the status light as information is available - see web site for details.
We appreciate your business and continued support. Thank you for being an E-Mag customer.

Kindest Regards,
Brad Dement
E-MAG Ignitions
I just sent Brad my serial numbers as I don't have a verson number printed on my P-mags.

The idea of the LED's is great, but only if they are dark during normal operation. IMHO. If that is how they are designed, sign me up.