erich weaver

Well Known Member
I just talked to Brad at e-mag, who said that they have yet another software update for their units they are recommending. This will fix a latent bug and also make the already relatively easy timing procedure even easier. Not sure what the bug was - maybe someone else knows?

With the new software, you can go ahead and install the units in any orientation you like and permanantly clamp them down. Timing is then accomplished by swinging prop to TDC and then manually blowing a pulse of pressure into the MAP hoses. Done deal. They will be updating the manual on the web site to provide the details, but there really isnt much more to it.

While I would rather not have had to return my p-mags several times for software updates, I still like these guys because they are really up front with information. The updates also seem to be adding features as well as fixing the bugs, so im fine with it.

erich weaver
erich weaver said:
With the new software, you can go ahead and install the units in any orientation you like and permanantly clamp them down. Timing is then accomplished by swinging prop to TDC and then manually blowing a pulse of pressure into the MAP hoses. Done deal.
This is about a 12 on the 1-10 cool scale. :cool:

I was just thinking yesterday that I need to send mine back for an update. Guess I'll catch this update too, and then mount them permanently. Time them later.
Why are you sending them back?

If its just a software update you can download it to your PC and then upload it to your P/Emag from there.

Cool...Of course I've already timed mine but this is a very simple way to make sure its dead nuts on.

Frank...N484H ready for inspection and engine start
The software isn't to the point of loading firmware yet. They have to go back still. The software only lets you play with advance and some settings for wiring a tach to the unit currently.

The bug would allow in "very unlikely" conditions for the software to get "lost" and potentially shutdown a bank of cylinders. It would go away after power was removed and reapplied. I have been talking with them lots this week as I had a problem which was much bigger than this. They have been extremely pro-active and my unit should be on it's way home.

#90598 - N598SD Flying - 72 hours