
Active Member
Are there any issues with me taking this course in advance of me getting my RV complete?

There is a course close to home later this fall, and I figured I would get it out of the way; although I am very early in my RV-12 build. Figured I would learn something new.
No problem at all. You won't be able to get the repairman certificate until you have an aircraft, but you can certainly get the "class certificate".
Only one....You have two years to convert your certificate(diploma) to an LSA repairman (inspection) rating, so you must own or be a part owner in an LSA aircraft within that time.

I did the Rainbow class and learned of the time limit there.

Mitch Garner
RV4 flying
RV12 under construction
Thank you

I appreciate the information. This is helpful. I think I'll wait on this training, until I'm closer to the end of my build (i.e. powerplant).