
Well Known Member
As mentioned elsewhere, the FAA is continuing on its path to reassess even the currently certified quickbuilds for compliance with the "51%" rule. From the EAA:
EAA?s Earl Lawrence, vice president of industry and regulatory affairs, saw firsthand some of the inspections and reports there is still some uncertainty regarding the FAA?s definition and requirements for fabrication.
?There are questions as to whether the currently evaluated fast-build kits (metal and composite materials) will continue to be acceptable under the FAA?s new policy,? he said.
It seems that there is growing concern in the kitbuild industry. Please go back and read my initial post here:

As I indicated in my post... this is not an RV-12 issue. It is one that could effect the future of kitbuilding. If you haven't already... please write to the FAA as well as your representatives. Take the time on this important issue! DJ
I Did Write to the FAA Man as Requested by Van

I Did Write to the FAA Man as Requested by Van and I received a very personal response back from him. He valued the details of my eight year quick build experience that is fully documented in bound books in long hand with a 9+ inch thick photo album with 6 dated photos on each side of every page correlated with the builder logs. I could tell that this was a serious aviation man with a genuine concern for preserving the effective future of the E-AB movement as it was originally conceived for education and recreation of the builder. It would be good I think to provide details of your personal experience in building your airplane.

Bob Axsom