
Well Known Member
This last weekend I installed two of Dynon's new SV-ADSB-472 in place of existing SV-ADSB-470s. A few observations; the new 472 is significantly smaller and much easier to mount in tight places compared to the 470. I didn't have any issues with the D9 and co-ax connections being on opposite ends on the 472, just had to re-route a few wires to accommodate re-routing the co-ax. Performance wise, the new 472 is a significant improvement in ADSB traffic awareness. During my operational checkout of it, I went to several areas were previously I had no ADSB traffic due to ground station signal blockage. With the 472, ADSB traffic awareness of other ADSB out acft is significantly improved even when on the ground. Overall, the new 472 is smaller, lighter and provides significantly better ADSB traffic awareness than the 470 in some circumstances. It is well worth the trade in cost and effort to swap it out.
Just installed today, picture from hangar..."No Radar". Going flying now. :)

ADSB 472 Install

Since nobody posted a photo of the two devices, I thought I would. I replaced my Dynon SV-ADSB-470 with a SV-ADSB-472 yesterday. It was simple and easy. The 472 is pin compatible with the 470 so, as long as the cables reach, it's electrically plug and play. The form factor is different though so I had to make some new holes in the bottom skin of my fuselage. I considered making an adapter plate but that would have moved the 472 so far aft that I would have needed to extend the wiring. That seemed hard. So I drilled four new holes and installed the 472.

The weird plate with nut plates behind the 472 is my solution to not having a second pair of hands available. I need to fill the holes and didn't have anybody to buck a rivet or hold a nut. So, I fabricated the quick nut plate bracket. A fun little mini-project.

The test flight showed excellent reception and I'm happy to be a dual-band ADSB kinda guy!



Did you have to do any software "wakeup" or programming with the upgrade?

Any settings changes?

Or is it truly "plug and play"?

I'm a few weeks behind your install and hopefully don't have to dive too deeply into the software side of things...my gene pool is very shallow on that subject...
472 Setup

Hi Rob,
It's a very simple change in the setup menu, at least for a Skyview system. See the screenshot. You just go to the serial port that is currently assigned to the 470 and change the device to the 472.
If this device were to connect to the SV network, I would have to explain yet another large aviation purchase. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.

That's great news, thank you very much!

And Jeff... regarding aviation purchases...any familiarity with the term "aviation cost units".

Very handy when discussing a need with higher headquarters...
Is anyone else having trouble getting a Dynon SV-ADSB-472? Seems that Dynon must be having trouble with their supplier. I've had one on order from Aircraft Spruce for a while, and the date just keeps on slipping.

Is anyone else having trouble getting a Dynon SV-ADSB-472? Seems that Dynon must be having trouble with their supplier. I've had one on order from Aircraft Spruce for a while, and the date just keeps on slipping.

I just talked with them at Sun-N-Fun and they told me the vast majority of the production is being used to replace the old -472 units in the field. I am also one of those waiting. They said to please have patience until they can catch up.

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Antenna location for 472

Since this ADS-B IN box 472 is a receiver for both traffic and satellite weather, is the bottom of the fuselage an okay place for the antenna? Or should the antenna be on top? thanks
Since this ADS-B IN box 472 is a receiver for both traffic and satellite weather, is the bottom of the fuselage an okay place for the antenna? Or should the antenna be on top? thanks

I'm mounting the delta pop fin on the bottom - at least 2 ft from the transponder antenna.