
Well Known Member
How can the canopy switch be wired through the Dynon HDX1100 so I get an indication of an open canopy?

Same question for the stall warning wire.
Audio warning file

When you wire the canopy switch don't forget to load the canopy switch file. It is a very small file. This enables the vocal warning above the RPM you choose. I set mine for 1900 RPM. On start and during taxi the canopy widget will show the canopy not locked but no vocal warning. I chose 1900 so I could do the run up with the canopy in the venting position. If RPM exceeds 1900 (in my case) a vocal "Check Canopy" comes through the audio. You can edit the file to change the RPM setting.
When you wire the canopy switch don't forget to load the canopy switch file. It is a very small file. This enables the vocal warning above the RPM you choose. I set mine for 1900 RPM. On start and during taxi the canopy widget will show the canopy not locked but no vocal warning. I chose 1900 so I could do the run up with the canopy in the venting position. If RPM exceeds 1900 (in my case) a vocal "Check Canopy" comes through the audio. You can edit the file to change the RPM setting.

How i do i find the instructions on how to do that?
Thank you.