
Well Known Member
Any opinions on whether Dynon or AFS integrate better with tablets? By that I mean putting info from the EFIS on the tablet, or just mirroring what is on the EFIS?

Thanks in advance.
Any opinions on whether Dynon or AFS integrate better with tablets? By that I mean putting info from the EFIS on the tablet, or just mirroring what is on the EFIS?

Thanks in advance.

I'm familiar one particular difference in the area of ADSB.

If you're running Foreflight on an ipad, Dynon doesn't currently pass FIS-B/TIS-B data from its ADSB-470 or ADSB-472 receiver to Foreflight on your tablet. It was a promised feature in 2018 that hasn't yet materialized. So to see this data on both, two separate ADSB receiver devices are needed.

AFS accepts any GDL-90 based ADSB source over an RS-232 serial line, so you could use one inexpensive Stratux to feed FIS-B/TIS-B to both devices simultaneously.

There could be other differences of course. I've never owned an AFS.
I'm familiar one particular difference in the area of ADSB.

If you're running Foreflight on an ipad, Dynon doesn't currently pass FIS-B/TIS-B data from its ADSB-470 or ADSB-472 receiver to Foreflight on your tablet. It was a promised feature in 2018 that hasn't yet materialized. So to see this data on both, two separate ADSB receiver devices are needed.
FWIW: DYNON will pass and display FIS-B/TIS-B data on an Android tablet running FltPlanGo by selecting CUSTOM DEVICE and using PORT: 4000 on the external device tab.


Using DYNON in the Avionics tab displays ADAHRS information on the APP but not TIS/FIS data. At least not yet.

I don't know about FOREFLIGHT or using an iPad.

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Advanced Flight WILL pass ADSB weather and traffic to Foreflight over WiFi. It also passes position and attitude.