Hello folks,

I'm very close to ordering my avionics package from Van's and I'm not looking to create another thread about the merits of each one, rather I would like to find out if one system is easier to install.

I'm planning on having one screen and the 2-axis auto pilot. Is one system simpler / easier to install when compared with the other?

My Dynon install was a piece of cake. No experience with the Garmin install but I'd suspect it's pretty much the same ...
It is very likely that the Garmin will be a little extra work. I had to add a couple of wires for the AP Servo under the pilot seat. There is also a little bit of modification to the panel mounting nut plates and some minor wiring changes in the tailcone.

I would say maybe 2 or 3 days of work to make the modifications.

I think it was well worth the effort. I liked the G3X system in the -12 so much that I'm re-doing my -7A with a complete G3X system.
Don't want to turn this into Garmin/Dynon battle but the swinger for me was that Dynon retained the function buttons on their touch model. I use the touch screen in smoothish air and switch (mostly) to the buttons in rougher air. Using the touch screen in rough air doesn't work for me. YMMV
RV-12 Garmin

The wiring for the Garmin G3X is straight forward. Adding the GPS 20A and the GA35 ant for the year 2020 in and out required only a 2 wire coax from the aft baggage bulkhead to the a/p servo under the pilots seat. easy to do. Also the 305 a/p controller is a nice unit to use.


From my recent experience doing my install, I wish I had looked at and studied the install and interconnect diagrams and other related instructions for each of the systems I considered. Just the time spent "learning" the manufacturer document style may help you decide.

I had already installed AP servos (Dynon); when I stopped by Van's on a very sunny day. I had my sun glasses on in their front entry where both units were on display. The difference in screen appearance was enough that I made the change.

Install was easy....I believe you would be glad....go with the 307 AP controller if you do.