
Well Known Member
It’s been since June 2019 for the last Dynon software update. Does anyone wonder if Dynon may have a problem?
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Unsubstantiated rumor was that HDX and the Classic software versions are going to diverge over some sort of new features. Also saw in Kitplanes that Dynon was going to add support for the remote audio panel that PS engineering has and is already supported by AFS.

I was hoping to hear of something also around Oshkosh this year, but that never happened. In lieu of hearing about any super neat new features for the HDX that isn't also back ported to the Classic, I've gone ahead and decided to just add another Classic display to my panel, rather than upgrade to the HDX.
I really can't think of any new features that aren't already available in 15.4.
It’s been since June 2019 for the last Dynon software update. Does anyone wonder if Dynon may have a problem?

This is a sign the product no longer needs software fixes, IOW a mature product. When was the last time the Garmin G1000 had a software update?

If you go to the Dynon forum you will find a plethora of ideas on why 16 is not out yet. One of the beta testers says Dynon is working on features and the virus has slowed down work by injecting inefficiencies in the work environment. Go to Dynon forum and see for yourself.
For myself, I am not sure what is implied by the idea that "Dynon may have a problem". That is the kind of statement that can be read by some as insinuating that Dynon is defective in some way. I hope that is not the intent, because of course having confidence in one's avionics is important in aviation. I fly with Dynon and have had no problems that weren't the result of my own misunderstanding.
So, to be direct, I do not have any reason to believe that Dynon "has a problem". But go to the Dynon forum, read and put your thoughts there where Dynon is sure to see them.
The delay is likely related to the release going to the type certified world (STC).
Long term

I've been thinking about my panel plans. Am going dynon for sure. I really wonder if there are any huge product line upgrades they can do in the medium term, like 2-4 years. Bigger screen? Maybe. Faster CPU or better resolution - why? The next big thing might be satellight connectivity thru spaceX, but I dont see even that making a big wave.

So wheres that leave dynon? Probably chasing the certified market as their big growth area. For me, probably means i can buy my panel early and have little chance of getting hosed with a plane still in the shop and outdated avionics.
If you go to the Dynon forum you will find a plethora of ideas on why 16 is not out yet. One of the beta testers says Dynon is working on features and the virus has slowed down work by injecting inefficiencies in the work environment. Go to Dynon forum and see for yourself.
For myself, I am not sure what is implied by the idea that "Dynon may have a problem". That is the kind of statement that can be read by some as insinuating that Dynon is defective in some way. I hope that is not the intent, because of course having confidence in one's avionics is important in aviation. I fly with Dynon and have had no problems that weren't the result of my own misunderstanding.
So, to be direct, I do not have any reason to believe that Dynon "has a problem". But go to the Dynon forum, read and put your thoughts there where Dynon is sure to see them.

Vans has not yet released the RV-15, despite it being quite some time since it was discussed as a research development, and more than 8 years since the release of their last product, the RV14. Does this mean that Vans "has a problem"? What problem might that be, exactly?