
Well Known Member
I have been talking to Dynon and Garmin support trying to resolve a problem interfacing TIS traffic data from the Dynon system to my GTN-650.

The Dynon installation document page 4-22 shows a serial configuration for TIS output in GTX 330 format. This allows TIS traffic to be shown on other devices that can receive TIS data.

The GTN installation manual has many serial input configurations for a GTX 330. The likely candidate is "Panel GTX w/TIS" or "Panel GTX w/TIS+".

I have tried both serial input choices and the GTN gives a message that no traffic device is connected. The Dynon serial page shows that the port is outputting data.

The GTN is software version 5.13 and the Dynon is 13.0.3

Has anyone successfully interfaced the Dynon TIS traffic with a GTN?
Our TIS output only occurs if you have our transponder. Just checking that you do? It won't pass on TIS-B data from ADS-B.

There's a chance that the GTN only recognizes it if you are logged in to a TIS-A radar. Have you tried it in flight?

I can see that it might not work if your only options are a GTX in the GTN. Garmin may not support TIS only on a serial port, and may be failing because we don't send out the whole string to make it look like we are a Garmin transponder, just the traffic data.
Yes I do have a Dynon transponder and ADSB.

There are about 15 different serial input protocols. Garmin support told me to try them all and see if any work. That is my plan next trip to the hangar.

I was just asking here in case someone has already found a protocol that works. It would save me a lot of time.