
Well Known Member
Today I finally was able to fire up my mag driven Lycoming with Whirlwind 200RV prop and shaaazzzaaammm.....what a nice sound that was. Looked at the tach I sez to this thing sure idles sweet at 340 RPM. Then it occurred to me that the tach must be off. I changed the 'pulses per rev' setting from '2' to '1', and now I THINK it is reading correctly. So....before I invest in an optical tach to validate the Dynon reading.....what have others set the 'pulses per rev' setting at for a mag driven O-360? Oh yeah, I need to add this smiley....:D Thanks
Sounds like you use Magnetos.

Although a Magneto fires twice per revolution, every other pulse is negative vs. positive. The Dynon only counts the positive pulses.
