Peter Costick

Well Known Member
I have a Dynon centric panel. Two Skyviews, Dynon transponder, Comm, Intercom, EMS, auto pilot etc.

I chose this set up because I liked the function and look of the setup, and that it was a relatively easy install.

I have had a few issues with the components, but I have to say Dynon have been great at support and I like the company.

I have recently been trying to address an issue with my radio, the SV-COM-C25 and have discovered that there is a known problem with this product that has no target date for resolution. I have to say it wasn't known to me, nor have I seen it mentioned in any Dynon documentation, though I may simply have missed it.

The radio has a Dual Watch mode. That is when working one frequency the pilot can set the standby frequency and then monitor the standby frequency. Obviously useful for working say the local ground frequency and getting say the AWIS or ATIS details at the same time. In the air its good for say working the CTAF and monitoring the area frequency.

The known issue is that when operating the radio with the Dual mode activated there is a background noise, a kind of a ticking sound at the rate of about 120 per minute, whether the radio is actively receiving or not. In my aircraft this is at about a half to two thirds of the volume of the voice reception.

It may be that others have noticed a similar characteristic and manage it, personally I find it very annoying and for me it makes working two frequencies very difficult.

Multiple tests on my own, and subsequently with Dynon first line support have shown that the radio is the source. Finally they confirmed this is a known issue, there as yet is no resolution date.

Had I known this was a problem when I purchased the setup I may have made another choice, or purchased a second box.
Dual Watch

While we do know about it, it only shows up on a few installations out of thousands. We have tried on several occasions to duplicate the issue to no avail, so getting to the root cause is difficult and could actually be installation related. That said, I would love to work with you to attempt to get to the bottom of it. We might try swapping some components to see if we can isolate it. Give me a call or shoot me an e-mail to my attention at [email protected]