Paul Austin

Active Member
Hi all
I went out to go flying in my RV7a Yesterday done preflight checks jumped on board and flicked the master on to find that the skyview would not start up it would just keep cycling through as though it was trying to start but would not and had a bunch of coloured lines running vertical on the screen:mad::mad::mad:. It is very disappointing from a unit that has only been in the air for 9 hours hope there reliability is better than this anyway has anyone else had this type of problem with a Skyveiw???

I sure liked their youtube videos and was drooling for one when I get to the panel.

They will get you fixed up, but the distances will delay resolution.
Best wishes:cool:
Voltage, and temperature conditions can cause screens to act strangely.

Did you check voltage, what temp was it-----you are in dead winter now, aren't you ??

Did you try cycling the master a couple times, also make sure no other electrical loads are on the system.
Tried everything

Checked voltage tried turning it on with just backup battery connected tried with backup battery disconnected. Yeah it is the middle of winter down here but it is only getting to -1/-2 overnight where as the system should operate to -30. I sure hope the system is more reliable than this other than this it has been excellent.
Possible trade

Why not see if there is another builder not too far away and borrow his screen. It will quickly tell you if the issue is the screen or something else. Did that with a back up battery and have heard of others doing loans. A local builder who isnt flying yet but has the panel stuff might just get you to figure the problem and not be grounded. Just an idea. As an aside, my skyview is it big time.
Do you have all the latest software updates? You may want to go to Dynon's forum. Lot's of good info there. the good thing is, the folks at Dynon are very responsive. They'll help you out. I have 180 hours on mine. I really like it.
I had the same problem with Skyview

When I installed my Skyview it rebooted a couple times while I was inflight. That concerned me, so I checked power and ground (found no problems), downloaded the latest software and flew a couple hours without a problem. However, shortly after that, while on a trip, I had the exact same problem you discribe, leaving me stranded in Medford Oregon. I'm glad it happended on the ground. It was a friday (Dynon was open) so I called Dynon and discribed what happened. They seemed familiar with the problem and overnighted another unit to me. I installed the unit they sent and haven't had the problem since. I have since purchased a second display that I will install as soon as I get the time.

Puyallup, Washington
Screen Replacement

Paul when you replaced your screen did you have to re-programme all sensors, settings and calibrations?
From a software perspective

The comments that have been mentioned are physical factors.

There is a chance that this is the cause but since it has begun the start up sequence it means that data is loading and displaying both from memory and the CPU. This indicates that all physical factors are working to some degree.

It is more likley to be a software error but could be cause because the start up sequence is unable to complete its check sequence and then is reverted back to a restart script just to make sure it didn't make a missed software call to a piece of hardware ie ADAHAR is not responding.

It sounds like it is stuck in this loop. Checking connections may resolve something and of course call the Dynon guys.

Sometimes all it takes is one small missed connected and software just gets confused.

This from my expereinces over the last 12 years in software and data management.....

but really ... it could just be gremlins
Unfortunately, this unit will need to come back. We've seen what you describe a few times, and it is a hardware failure. Give us a call or send us an email at support at and we can get you set up with an RMA.

There's a chance this is related to a boot issue that we just found which we are about to have a software fix for. It's so rare that it took us a long time to figure out that it was a repeatable failure and come up with a fix. We won't know for sure until we get it here, but the good news is that we can prevent it from happening again if it was this failure. We've only had this happen a few times on 2,000 units so it was quite a process to narrow it down.

Sorry for the early failure, but we'll take care of it, and we can promise you that our MTBF is much beyond 9 hours on average!

For the technical ones out there, there are two processors in the SkyView, one that maintains all our communications and power management, and one that does all the drawing and heavy processing. Thus unit reboots a few times because the second processor isn't booting and the first one is trying it's hardest to get it to respond. It's not stuck in a software loop because of a software error.
Thus unit reboots a few times because the second processor isn't booting and the first one is trying it's hardest to get it to respond. It's not stuck in a software loop because of a software error.

Thats what I meant, the think keeps trying to talk to it and not getting the answer it needs so it just starts again.

It wasn't a knock on your product. I love Skyview. I used to be a garmin fanboy but now I have a romance with Skyview.
Here's the million-dollar question: Will Dynon send Paul either a loaner or a new unit so he can keep flying, or will they require the defective unit to be shipped ALLLLLLLL the way from Australia, then repaired, then shipped ALLLLLLLL the way back before he can fly again? That could take weeks.

I can live with defects happening, especially early on in such a complex product, but what really impresses me is outstanding customer service when a problem is found.
Important to keep backup copy of setting

Paul when you replaced your screen did you have to re-programme all sensors, settings and calibrations?


I lost all my setup data and didn't have a backup on usb memory stick so had to do some setup before I could fly home. A lesson learned (keep a copy of setting with you). In skyview it's easy to backup the data on a memory stick.

Paul Y.
Replacement Screen

Hi all
So far dynon have been fantastic soon as i rang them and told them the problem they knew it had to be returned to USA and have already shipped another screen to replace mine so hopefully should be able to fly again before i go back to work for a few weeks:):).
Distance is not the same as attitude

Getting stuff from the US is easy now if he wanted to get something from Queensland, thats a whole other story. ;-)

they take 2 days just to walk something from a warehouse out to a truck.
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Hi all
So far dynon have been fantastic soon as i rang them and told them the problem they knew it had to be returned to USA and have already shipped another screen to replace mine so hopefully should be able to fly again before i go back to work for a few weeks:):).

Way to go, Dynon! I have a feeling you're going to be getting a lot of my money in a couple years....