On the Dynon forum, the major complaint so far is the HSI being oval instead of round in some layouts (100% and 50%).

Dynon plans to change/correct this and other bugs in the next release.
The W&B wasn't very intuitive to set up without a manual, but once set up is very handy. This feature could save lives some day.
The runway extensions are nice as is the proper VNAV which works great.
The oval HSI is noticeable at first, but wasn't a big deal. I would rather have the full circle, even oval, than just a semi circle.
I flew about 6 hours with V15 this weekend. I had time to play around a bit with it. The W&B is nice. My W&B with the RV-9A is pretty straightforward, since just about any load is within CG.
I haven't set up the maintenance stuff yet, but I just did an oil change, so that will go in.
There is a new Airspace box on the main PFD page that I ended up disabling. It shows you which airspace you are in or are about to enter. Here in SoCal, the airspace is pretty busy, so I took that off the screen.
The Highway in the sky is also a bit busy, but I wasn't able to figure out how to remove that from the PFD.
I do like the extended runway centerlines. I was able to line up for straight in landings easier and to be able to pick a good runway based on the wind arrow on the screen.
I flew 3.5 over the weekend with it and had no issues. I kind of like the oval HSI. I started setting up the maintenance pages. The first time I tried they confused me but the second time all was good. Maybe I should have read the instructions? The extended center line was good but I did not try the W&B.
Issues with weather and traffic sending to iPad via wifi.....
Any more detail on the issues you've seen? There's little either way on other forums, aside from waiting for full support to be added by Foreflight.
Couldn't get the VNAV to capture. I activated it, and it changed the target elevation to 1000 AGL at my destination. Also tried changing the descent ratio to 3%. Tried multiple times. Even set it 200 miles out once and it just kept flying set elevation. Ended up doing a 1000 FPM descent at the last minute. (The ALT ➡️ VNAV was showing in the AP bar at the top of the screen). Any suggestions??

Using expert mode.
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Ver 15

After loading Ver15 the weather displayed fine on my IPad. I did not receive any traffic information. That being said I did not spend any time playing with settings on the SV or ForeFlight.
After loading Ver15 the weather displayed fine on my IPad. I did not receive any traffic information. That being said I did not spend any time playing with settings on the SV or ForeFlight.

According to Dynon, Foreflight has not yet added support for traffic from SV via WiFi. They were not sure if WX was supported but it apparently is.
Has anybody tried out WingX Pro with v15, using the ADS-B wi-fi feature?
If so, were you able to receive traffic, in addition to weather?
Only one flight on v15. ADSB traffic altitude is showing about 200' different than the two Skyviews as sent to the IPad by WiFi. Don't know about weather display since we have not had any rain here for what seems like months. That is for the Seattle Avionics FlyQ EFB Ipad app.
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