
Well Known Member
Dynon is marching towards our December introduction of SkyView. We posted an October update on our Blog at http://blog.dynonavionics.com/

And, for fun, on the Blog we started a little contest with two $250 gift certificates as prizes.

Dynon Marketing
Wow, thats only 22 days to go. ( im not counting ) to get the price.
Dynon will announce pricing on November 2nd.
Two 10" skyview screens would be nice.

It seems to be a clever way to help the company to fix the final price. Something similar to: "Tell me how much you will be able to pay for it and I will ask you what you can afford".
First, thank you for everyone's guesses so far! They are interesting to read, and the many good comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.

As to determining the price by using the contest; we really aren't that devious. We set the prices a while ago, and really did want to do the contest for fun. So the next question is; why don't we just say the prices? The reason is that we have a thousand things to do to make an orderly, efficient, and timely introduction. We have to communicate with our dealers and press worldwide, and so we set up a schedule and stick to it. We ask the media to adhere to a embargo date, and so we need to as well. But that doesn't stop us from having fun in the meantime.

Thanks again,
Dynon Marketing
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Fun for some.

But this is not so fun for someone trying to figure out how to upgrade their panel right now. I don't know if I should consider the new unit or not and I am trying to make up my mind right now.

I can't choose something that I don't know what is going to cost.

I need to know price and expected lead times.

Hi Robert,

I guess you will have a good idea of how many units people are looking at getting. Will your first production run cover all these, if not when would you say the next production run would be available ?

When you release the prices on November the 2nd, will you take orders then also ?
We will announce prices on November 2nd, but not start taking orders until we can actually ship. And for that December 1st is still looking good.

Dynon runs production continuously and builds to inventory based on forecast. We will have parts for thousands of units, and our intention is to have plenty of completed units on the shelf when we start taking orders, so there should not be a delay for anyone. You will have to order quite a few to exceed our production rates. But go ahead and try. :)

Dynon Marketing
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I started cutting my panel this week. I have planned on a D180 FlightDek, But have stayed away from cutting the hole on the left side...just in case price is in my neighborhood.

Anyone of you upgraders want to sell their D180?
Dynon is marching towards our December introduction of SkyView. We posted an October update on our Blog at http://blog.dynonavionics.com/

And, for fun, on the Blog we started a little contest with two $250 gift certificates as prizes.

Dynon Marketing

I'm sure you will provide details of Dynon's upgrade offer once those are known, but I'd like to do some advance thinking/dreaming.

I am a new RV owner. This aircraft already has a D180 with HS-34, linked to 430W with TruTrak ADI Pilot II.
So, with everything top-of-the-line, I would be interested in keeping it that way, (budget permitting).

It would seem that a 7" skyview would be a natural swap for the D180, but I'm guessing the SkyView would make the HS-34 module unnecessary, correct?
What else would be needed to make the conversion? ADAHRS module? EMS Module, or do I already have that? Different backup battery?

And what more will be gained from a functional standpoint by ARINC 429 once that is available? (as these terms are all foreign to me.) And why should I swap now vs. waiting for the ARINC 429?

I guess I'm really asking you to give me your best sales pitch in pilot language, not avionics tech language, for what the SkyView gives me over the D180, besides a prettier picture.

Oh, one more thing

And for VFR flying, I think I would prefer my heading at the top of the screen in the traditional "HUD" view (as current D10A/D100/D180's are setup) vs the compass rose beneath. For IFR, having a full HSI below would be good, but I wouldn't want it there all the time. Please explain the reason for the change, and is that "the way it is" or is it user configurable?

vertical configuration

Can your unit be set up in a vertical configuration, like the garmin G3X?
We cannot do a vertical orientation. LCD screens are designed to be viewed from certain angles, and the vast majority of them out there are designed to be viewed the traditional landscape orientation. If you take our screen and look at it from below, it doesn't perform well. This doesn't matter in a panel since you are always above the screen. If we put it on it's side, this would be the left or right.

Garmin is fortunate enough to be able to buy in such large volumes that they can purchase screens oriented any way they want, but if you remember when they first showed off the G600, it had horrible left/right viewing angles until they had a totally custom screen made to fix this. They showed off the poor left/right angles for well over a year before they got custom screens made.

It's also an advantage with synthetic vision to have the widest possible screen since it mimics the natural human field of view.
We changed to the HSI on screen because that is a standard in all avionics today, and it means that the ability to display an HSI and PFD at the same time are designed right into the system from the beginning. Many people prefer to see a full compass rose rather than just a few degrees of it, so this helps even people that don't use it as an HSI.

For now that is "the way it is", but if we have a lot of requests for the heading tape at the top we could support that in a future software release. I think you'll find that if you use the system for navigation at all, the HSI right on the PFD is really the way you want it.

The main reason to switch from the EFIS-D180 to the SkyView is the improved situational awareness afforded by Synthetic Vision and the terrain Moving Map. There are also many user-interface and user-configuration improvements with SkyView, and the built-in redundancy in the SkyView System and Network make SkyView an industry-leading product. And SkyView incorporates newer hardware technologies that will allow us to add advanced features for years to come. That being said, there is nothing wrong with your current panel and we will continue selling the EFIS-D180.

If you do decide to upgrade, the components of the EFIS-D180 that are compatible with SkyView are the engine sensor kits, pitot tubes, and autopilot servos, so in many ways the upgrade will be easy. The rest of the components, such as Remote Compass, cannot be used with SkyView. The SkyView 7" display is slightly larger than the EFIS-D180, so the hole in your panel will have to be enlarged. You will have to rewire the primary harness, and run SkyView Network Cables between modules. You will need a SkyView Engine Module which can mount somewhere up near the firewall, on the "cool side". And a new SkyView ADAHRS module which contains the Remote Compass and Air Data System, so your pitot, static, and angle of attack pneumatic lines will have to be routed to it. Our Beta testers have been able to make the switch pretty easily.

For SkyView, for now, your Garmin 430 will act more like a handheld GPS. Which means you can connect via a serial line and obtain GPS position, velocity data, and basic waypoint information. You will not be able to utilize the more advanced GPS features of the G430 via SkyView, such as auto scaling of the CDI needle, vertical guidance, GPS steering (the ability for an autopilot to "cut corners", and not just fly to a waypoint and then turn), or virtual VORs. You will also not be able to use any of the NAV radio features of the 430, such as a VOR, ILS, or glideslope. All of this data comes over ARINC-429.

It is correct that SkyView has HSI control knobs and annunciators already "built-in", and the existing HS34 Module will not work with SkyView. Along with control knobs and annuciators, the other purpose of the HS34 is to provide an ARINC-429 conversion. SkyView will not have the ARINC-429 capability initially, and will require an interface module to be added later. This new SkyView ARINC-429 module will hide behind the panel. ARINC-429 supports the advanced GPS features as well as the only possible connection to the 430 NAV radio. So as you mentioned, in order to fully utilize your Garmin 430 with SkyView you will have to wait for the new SkyView ARINC-429 module.

I hope that helps! I'm afraid I could not answer without getting into some technical details.

Dynon Marketing
Location of ADAHRS module

And a new SkyView ADAHRS module which contains the Remote Compass and Air Data System, so your pitot, static, and angle of attack pneumatic lines will have to be routed to it. Our Beta testers have been able to make the switch pretty easily.

Dynon Marketing

Any insights about where your BETA testers have been mounting the ADAHRS module? Since it includes the magnetometer, I would think it would be more challenging to find a good spot.
I believe they've all put it where the magnetometer goes today- which on an RV is almost always right behind the baggage bulkhead. A bonus here is that the static line is already right there. This location seems to get heading within a few degrees even without any magnetic calibration run.
Not when it first releases, but when we release the ARINC module it will be able to. The ARINC module is one of the first things we'll work on after the initial release.
We will have parts for thousands of units, and our intention is to have plenty of completed units on the shelf when we start taking orders, so there should not be a delay for anyone. You will have to order quite a few to exceed our production rates. But go ahead and try. :)

Dynon Marketing

I must be the lucky one then. I placed my order 28 Nov, only to be told yesterday, Skyview parts on back order. ( with a dealer ) :(
I must be lucky number two. Ordered on Dec. 14 or so. ACS still claimes they have not recieved stock.
I'm afraid I have to eat my words, that we would have more than enough stock. Orders managed to exceed even what we forecast.

We just posted this on our Website:

"Product Backlogs - January 2010

SkyView has been shipping for a month now, and the response has been overwhelming. Orders for the D10/D100 Series also continue strong. As of early January, products are on a 2 to 3 week backlog, including our D10/D100 Series. All of our dealers that have placed SkyView orders have received stock, although not all they ordered. This backlog will be reduced throughout January, and we should be back to our normal shipping from stock in February.

If you are waiting for a shipment, we are working hard to get it out to you and are shipping products every day. We try to be fair and ship in the order that we receive orders, although it also depends on which specific products you ordered.

Thank you to our customers for their patience during this temporary backlog."

Dynon Marketing