
Well Known Member
Hi folks,

for those who already installed a SV system this might be an easy one!

I live in the Netherlands and am about to order a Dynon SV system. I want to do it right the first time, not to spent too much money on double shipping cost in case of re-ordering. this also counts for the hassles with customs, and most important, i do not want to stop installing just because i have to wait for a part/cable/component which i had to re-order.

I am building an RV-8, ADAHRS goes in the back (behind baggage comp.), back up battery location not specified yet, GPS antenna location not specified yet, Engine monitoring for TITAN XIO-360 dual P-Mags,
I already have the 10 inch display.

This is my current shopping list:
1 SV-ADAHRS-200 ADAHRS modul
1 SV-GPS-250 GPS modul/antenna
1 SV-BAT-320 Backup battery
1 SV-NET-15CP Network cable, one open end, 15"
1 SV-EMS-220 Engine monitoring module
2 SV-NET-3CC Network cable 3" both connectors
1 EMSKIT-L4F Probes/sensors for Lyc(Fuel injected)
1 SV-XPNDR-261 Transponder ADS-B out compliant
1 SV-COM-C25/V COM Radio vertical
1 SV-INTERCOM-2S Intercom

did i miss anything?

I would add one Network Cable Hub, ADSB Module as well as an extra network cable just incase.
No autopilot servos?

I was able to use a long SV network cable and cut it up into shorter lengths as necessary. Just need to buy some D-sub 9 pin female/male pins, connectors and shells, and the crimper tools. Same goes with the autopilot harness. The single 20' harness was plenty long to get both servos connected up to a common hub. The hubs make wiring really easy. I had 8 of the AXIS-9A 9-pin hubs (free design download on makerplane.org) built for about $100. Much cheaper than the Dynon hub and it is identical electronically.
The ADS-B module is only useful in the USA, so please don't add one of those ;)

You may want to add fuel flow.
I would add one Network Cable Hub, ADSB Module as well as an extra network cable just incase.

I would add two of of these. I mounted one back by the pitch servo where both ADHRS and the pitch servo are plugged into it. The other is on the sub-panel where everything else is connected.

Also order an extra long cable to go from the hub in back to the hub on the sub-panel.

That makes wiring the thing MUCH easier!
Depending on what navigation device you want to display, if any, on the Skyview (Garmin 430, Gaarmin SL30 etc) you may need the ARINC 429 module. Definitely get the fuel flow.

Get onto Stein and buy a dozed DB-9 shells and a half-dozen male and female connectors, and a bunch of pins. If you're able to fab your own custom-length cable, you'll be happier than waiting for one to arrive.

And as Dynon has said, get yourself a red-cube fuel flow module too. Easier to install it now than wish you'd done it afterwards.
Dynon shopping list

Your current shopping list:
1 SV-ADAHRS-200 ADAHRS module
1 SV-GPS-250 GPS module/antenna
1 SV-BAT-320 Backup battery
1 SV-NET-15CP Network cable, one open end, 15"
1 SV-EMS-220 Engine monitoring module
2 SV-NET-3CC Network cable 3" both connectors
1 EMSKIT-L4F Probes/sensors for Lyc(Fuel injected)
1 SV-XPNDR-261 Transponder ADS-B out compliant
1 SV-COM-C25/V COM Radio vertical
1 SV-INTERCOM-2S Intercom

First, don't get the 2 SV-NET-3CC as you can make them from the 30 foot one cheaper. I would change the SV-NET-15CP to the SV-NET-30CP. That way you can cut it to the length's that you need. Get some pins, connectors and covers from Stein so you can finish them up. On the 30 foot cable you have one end complete and one just with pins on the end with connector and cover. That should be plenty to connect the units together. You will need a long cable to go back to the ADHARS, one to the EMS box, and one to connect to the COMM head. You might get 2 HUB's, one to connect the first three together up behind the panel and one to put inline from the SkyView display and ADHARS, somewhere you might want to place the autopilot servos if you would like to add now or at a later date. Easier to install now. Also, if you think you would like to add an autopilot, run a 20 gage black, red and yellow wire with a little slack for the the autopilot servos if interested. Easier to add wire now, just in case later you decide to add an autopilot.

Now for the EMA stuff. Yes you will need a Red Cube for fuel flow, which is not included in the EMS KIT.

As for the COMM radio, I talked to Dynon when they announced the COMM radio about the 8.33 kHz spacing, and at that time they were not planning on it, but might in the future, so plan according. Maybe find another small one which might have the 8.33 kHz spacing as a second COMM.

The rest looks good.

You will like the system when it is installed and running.

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No Auto Pilot? If so remember the servo's and wiring. If not ok. I mounted my GPS between the seats on the seat back rail. Ran the wire along with the Flap wiring. Sees the sky all the time works great.
I hope you clear skies:)

If you are comfortable with making your own plugs, you can save a few hundred bucks and go that route, they are really easy to do. If not, just order the premade cables.
What about the pitot? Do you need a heated one? Get the combo with the AOA. If you have a pitot tube without the separate AOA tube, you can add one easily using just a rivet or a soccer ball inflation needle. See this thread particularly after page 2. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=34040 I did the inflation needle version on my RV12 for a few bucks in parts and it works GREAT with the Skyview.

many thanks to your inputs!!

i will defenitly add a Fuel Flow unit, thought it will come with the EMS.

Additional infos which were missing are:
Dynon pitot with AOA is already installed in the wing.
Autopilot will not be installed, not even later.
i am aware of the 8.33khz issue. started another thread in this forum about it.
XPNDR should be sufficient for Europe without the full ADS-B requirements.

please keep coming with your thoughts!!

My Dynon shopping list

Here is my Dynon shopping list:

I'm planning dual skyview and VP-X (hence the VP-X software certificate), but otherwise same as you.
It's a screen capture from my list done on Excel.
Prices are from the Dynon website, converted in Euros exchange rate from 25 February.

From this thread I see that I have to add the fuel flow into my list.
You may want to look at Garmin GTR 225, the serial I/O will work with the Skyview to show the tuned and standby frequecies. Looks like the EU has the same ADS-B out mandate as the US for the transponder. In the US that means a WAAS certified GPS connected to the transponder. I agree with the roll your own Skyview cables and the hub recommendations. I made all of my mine using mil-spec #22 aircraft wire with a shielded overbraid terminated at the DB-9 housings.

John Salak
RV-12 #120116