
Well Known Member
While clicking a Black Friday link to renew my AOPA Fly Q sub I noticed that they had some add ons including this one for a Dynon/Seattle Avionics subscription package which includes airport charts....

Does our Skyview package give us the same data or is worth "buying up" to this package?

Here is the link:

Here is the info....

Through a unique Dynon-subsidized program with Seattle Avionics, Dynon is able to offer all available FAA, airport diagrams, and thousands of Flight Guide airport diagrams at an unprecedented price. There are no hidden costs and no separate VFR and IFR packages. With geo-referenced charts and airport diagrams, Dynon is able to offer experimental and LSA pilots a “paperless” cockpit!

Already have a Dynon subscription? These 2 years will be added to your current subscription.
Not needed!

I don't think you need it. With the RV12 package you get a free life time data base subscription. So you can update every 28 days. Inside the Skyview you have essentially, Sectional maps including all the different types of airspace you would see on a sectional, hence your moving map, a airport facility directory which you would access many different ways. For instants you could pan out on the moving map with the map pointer and touch just about anything , an airport, a Class B airspace line, a MOA line, on your map to see info about it that would be read in the paper version of the AFD. I believe there would be no IFR info in the data base because the ELSA version would be VFR only. Most of the info you would get from the Seattle Avionics deal is IFR charts and Approaches. If you are an experienced pilot and once you become very familiar with the Skyview and if you keep it updated you will not need any paper charts in your cockpit to reference while you are flying VFR. You just carry some form of EFB like an ipad in case of Skyview failure. :D
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For VFR pilots, I believe the new package will give you geo-referenced taxi diagrams. I don't think that is in the basic Dynon map package.

Off the Dynon web site -

INTRODUCED in September 2013:

Geo-Referenced Charts and Airport Diagrams (US only)
Dynon worked hard to give you a robust and affordable solution for charts. We partnered with Seattle Avionics (425.806.0249) and got the lowest price in the industry at only $99 a year in the USA for all your Georeferenced charts. That's airport diagrams, including over 5,000 FlightGuide diagrams, and all your approach plates, procedures, etc. Zooming, panning, and even following your plane on the center of the screen are all included.
. . . "If you are an experienced pilot and once you become very familiar with the Skyview and if you keep it updated you will not need any paper charts in your cockpit to reference while you are flying VFR. You just carry some form of EFB like an ipad in case of Skyview failure. :D

Like maybe WingX Pro7?
Very powerful and easy to use.

Anybody care to comment on your experience using WingX Pro?
For VFR pilots, I believe the new package will give you geo-referenced taxi diagrams. I don't think that is in the basic Dynon map package.
You are correct! I guess I'm frugal;), I would use the $99 to purchase the backup App for the iPad. Let me rephrase, if you are going to be flying into large class B airports on a regular basis and fly IFR all the time it would be worth it. Most smaller class C or class D airports you could simple look out the window at the taxi signs or ask the ground control for a progressive taxi to the FBO. Also if you were flying into a larger airport with multiple runways you could go on the internet and print out the diagram the night before.:) These are my own personal opinions so in the end You Make the Call! If you want them go for it.:D
Like maybe WingX Pro7?
Very powerful and easy to use.

Anybody care to comment on your experience using WingX Pro?

I tried all the iPad flight programs. I ended up buying WingX even with it being more expensive. They all have their pros and cons. I really like the FLYQ program but it seemed designed to have your iPad horizontal. WingX presentation is great mounted vertical. (My iPad is mounted vertical). WingX is the big picture screen mounted on my panel. My skyview is the inside 20 mile traffic/close picture screen.



Information on wingX is so easy to access I haven't pulled freq or airport info off the skyview ever.

Happy customer
You are correct! I guess I'm frugal;), I would use the $99 to purchase the backup App for the iPad. Let me rephrase, if you are going to be flying into large class B airports on a regular basis and fly IFR all the time it would be worth it. Most smaller class C or class D airports you could simple look out the window at the taxi signs or ask the ground control for a progressive taxi to the FBO. Also if you were flying into a larger airport with multiple runways you could go on the internet and print out the diagram the night before.:) These are my own personal opinions so in the end You Make the Call! If you want them go for it.:D

Yeah I agree it is probably not a big deal for smaller airports. Heck, you can hardly get me to glance at a 10-9 at most bigger airports half the time....but....being lower to the ground and unfamiliar with a lot of the larger airplane will be based at IWA, big airport, lots of runways, lots of ramps....sometimes the controllers at these smaller towered airports can be a little cranky if you know what I mean....

But I picked up that Fly Q deal for the full charts last year and pulling up the 10-9 with your position on the airport is a pretty nice quick reference...looks like they have the same thing going for the Skyview and you could leave the ipad in your bag!

Has anyone bought this package for the Skyview in the RV-12?

Any problems?



looks like they have the same thing going for the Skyview and you could leave the ipad in your bag!

Has anyone bought this package for the Skyview in the RV-12?

Any problems?


Not in a 12, but a Skyview none the less. I've been waiting for charts to be added for a while. I love them and have had no issues. The only issue is user error - I'll sometimes forget to plug in the USB drive. The drive must be plugged in to use the charts. The final feature is sectionals and ELAs which were just announced for the next update! I have an iPad and iPhone with WingX for backup, but like you stated, my iPad never comes out of my bag. I use it exclusively for planning.

I just downloaded the FlyQ EFB to compare with WingX. I guess it is what you're used to, but while it has some nice features, it has some annoyances as well. Maybe I just haven't played around with it enough, but at this point I don't think the special Black Friday price isn't enough to make me stray from WingX.
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I bought the package. I pondered for a while (something that happens every time I have to open my wallet.) But, being a paper chart guy, and liking the airport guides, I figured buying a set would set me back way more than the $99, so I sprung for it. I figured it would be pretty much a one-time buy.

I just use the airport Diagrams. They work very well, and pretty much as advertised. Previously, my wife kept the book open on her lap for my quick reference. I think the little airplane following you around on a complex airport is a major improvement in ground safety.

After looking at all the IFR charts, I may try a few practice R-NAV approaches and see how those work out.

There are a few kinks that I think need to be worked out - or I need to become more skilled in the use - but I will post those over on the Dynon Forum.

All in all, I'm pleased with the purchase.

Bob Bogash
If you have to have them on a connected USB drive, you may not want to use the RV12 socket under the dash. For other reasons, I got a short USB extension cable (male to female), plugged it into the back of the D1000, and put the female end through a hole in the top side of the glovebox. I open the door to use it, works great and out of the way and no panel mod!
I put mine above the ignition module on my initial build. I have several posts and pix elsewhere. Mighty glad I did so too - now more than ever. I use the thumbdrives (now there are two) several times a day - can't imagine fishing around under the panel for the socket.

Bob Bogash