
Well Known Member
It is about that time to begin thinking about ordering the RV-12 instrument package from Van?s ? so the questions are:

For those of you who have made the upgrade from a SkyView D1000 to the D1000 Touch or have actual flight experience using both units, is the is the D1000 Touch the preferred choice considering the extra bucks?

Is the overall screen readability the same for both units?

Do you find the touch menus to be an actual aid or a nuisance when in the air?

Are there any wiring changes that require making changes to the ADAHRS wiring in the tail cone?

Your thoughts and comments on the topic will be greatly appreciated.
John -

I have the "not-yet-Touch-enabled" version of SV in my RV-12 E-LSA. I am on the waiting list for the Touch upgrade. IMHO, either get the Touch or get the two separate control panels. I find that using the multi-talented / multi-function knob in the SV's lower right corner is a bit of a pain -- it does its job adequately, but I always tend to twist it before I remember to verify what exact function it was last used for. As a result, I might change my Altitude setting when I really meant to change my Heading setting. :eek: As I understand the workings of the Touch, all one has to do is Touch the Heading readout area and the multi-talented / multi-function knob in the SV's lower right corner automatically switches to the approriate mode (in this case, Heading).

Since the Touch conversion is cheaper and easier to retro-install than the two separate control panels, I plan on upgrading to the Touch. BTW, I love my SV-equipped RV-12!

-- David
Love the Skyview! The touch is a drop-in replacement for the non-touch and there are no wiring changes. If you use the autopilot a lot, the touch would be nice for that multi-function knob on the bottom LEFT. You just touch what you want to alter on the screen and that knob becomes the adjustment for it (baro pressure, autopilot target altitude or speed or VS or heading, etc.) Also easy to just touch any airport on the screen to get INFO about it rather than using the lower right know as a cursor.

Hey - pay for it and get it! What the heck are we doing with a Skyview in an LSA VFR plane anyway! Love the gadgets!

I MIGHT go to two screens. Buy a touch for the left and move the existing non-touch over to the right. I personally would NOT get the separate AP control panel.
SkyView Touch

IMHO, pay the extra and get the touch. I have the 1000, but have just installed a touch screen on a upgrade I did for a friend, and find it a lot easier to navigate the screen with the touch. It also makes it easier when you try to type in an airport or fix. There is a onscreen keypad to type in things, which is a lot better than using the knobs. It is also lot easier to change the flight plan with one touch, and more complicated with the stock screen. You won't be disappointed with the ease of the touch screen.

Remember, if you want to use the buttons, they still work like the non touch screens.

When the touch becomes available for the exchange program, I will be upgrading mine for what it is worth.

Thanks for the input guys, looks like the clear choice is the Touch ... ordering this week.


Dynon does not sell the touch anymore. The classic and classic SE screens are the only classic screens available. The few around are for warranty exchanges. They really want you to upgrade to the HDX.

There are some available here when others upgrade to the HDX. Price is around $2500. You can upgrade to the touch and then try to sell the non touch for around $2000.

Go for the touch regardless of the price. I have flown the D180, normal Skyview, and the touch. Well worth the difference!
If the touch is available go for it, or HDX. Benefit of touch is another alternate way to select everything, but more importantly, at least to me, you are reducing wear and tear on the buttons. Touch screen is less expensive to replace than the whole unit.
It is a bit of a mixed bag.

I have the non-touch SkyView and have flown the touch version.

I don't have an an issue with either; however, as expected, when it got bumpy I used the knobs.

I thought the touch system was a little more intuitive to use.

It really doesn't matter as they both do the same thing.